This is the Visitor's Hall-of-Fame.

We are so glad you visited us.


The Scribe

11/04/00 19:49:06
Name: Dr. MIchael Coleman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: Oregon, MO How is it with your soul?: It is well. To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: the fullest.
Who are your heroes/heroines?: Jesus Christ

It is nice to visit this site again.

11/06/99 04:44:53
My URL: Visit Me


11/06/99 04:22:28
My URL: Visit Me


10/18/99 12:22:39
Name: Jim My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where is home?: OK
How is it with your soul?: Well


Understanding The Apocalypse

10/26/98 10:35:31
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

08/26/98 04:40:59
Name: End Time Ministries My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where is home?: New Jersey
How is it with your soul?: It is well with my soul! Who are your heroes/heroines?: Jesus

Just saying hello from the Garden State, New Jersey! Be Blessed!

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 07:06:11

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

06/02/98 13:01:23
Name: Dr. Arno My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: Sarasota, FL How is it with your soul?: All is well :) To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: On Jesus
Who are your heroes/heroines?: Jesus

Fine cite. Thanks for telling me about it! God is good and I am very excited about the direction He is taking us in. He will be glorified!!!

05/28/98 22:15:04
Name: Jennifer Uyen Nhi
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Hi there, I just surfed by from someone homepage to your page, just want to say hi.

04/19/98 05:28:50
Name: Dr. Bradley Carey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: USA How is it with your soul?: Saved and proud of it. To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: Fully
Who are your heroes/heroines?: Christ

Fantastic web page. May God continue to Bless the work you are doing.

03/09/98 14:01:43
Name: Patti My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where is home?: New York
How is it with your soul?: It is wonderful Who are your heroes/heroines?: the lord

Nice page I just droped in for a visit still have to finish looking around.But wanted to sign this before i forgot. Would love to have you come and visit me at my homepages. Have a Great Day

03/02/98 19:49:12
Name: Brother James Snow My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: Lebanon, Ohio How is it with your soul?: Great To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: Highest Level
Who are your heroes/heroines?: John Wayne

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ!
We Really love your site, and thank you for being a Godly Influence on the net. Keep it up and God will bless you and your family for your work.....I'm glad to see Christians taking back the tools God has given to our dieing world....
God Bless you and your family and keep them safe.
The Snow Family
Lebanon, Ohio If you would like more Hits on your Christian Web Site. List it in our Christian Database...

03/02/98 01:07:13
Name: Rev Joseph & Sharon Chambers My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: Reidsville N.C. How is it with your soul?: Great To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: THE FINAL TOUCHES
Who are your heroes/heroines?: JESUS

Greetings in Christ! This site has blessed us so much. the articles were soul jarring. God Bless You. Joseph and Sharon Chambers A.L.MWW

11/18/97 03:50:43
Name: Desaint My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where is home?: heaven, with my father
How is it with your soul?: harmonious Who are your heroes/heroines?: oh so many

Wonderful Site!!!

God Bless

11/11/97 15:09:47
Name: Angelia Howard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: heaven, but for now I live in Charlotte, NC How is it with your soul?: saved To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: still under construction and will be til He takes me home.
Who are your heroes/heroines?: Jesus

Great Page. I can tell you put alot of work and alot of heart into it. Come and visit our Home Page too..Be sure to please sign our GuestBook and remember to stop by the "Prayer Wall" to leave any prayer requests and/or to help us pray in Jesus' name for he people and situations listed on this wall. Then we have a "Praise Page" to list all the ways God has blessed you. You can even send greeting cards from our page. And don't forget to check our our link pages, cause chances are, that's the way I found yo : )Love in Christ to you!

10/25/97 23:13:38
Name: Todd & Cindy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: California (on earth, Heaven is realy home!) How is it with your soul?: Ask the Lord Jesus, He is keeper of it!! To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: Doing my best to be like my Lord!
Who are your heroes/heroines?: Jesus, King David, & Elijah

A wonderful site!! Keep up the good work!! Stay in His love!

10/22/97 02:20:59
Name: Dennis Harper My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where is home?: StL/Columbia/Fayette, MO
How is it with your soul?: Great! Who are your heroes/heroines?: MLK, Jr.

It was great talking to you last night. I am going to look at your page now. I have not checked out your site yet. Grace and Peace.

10/19/97 13:01:07
Name: Gomer aka TO'Hearn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where is home?: Mouse Town
How is it with your soul?: Well To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: Painstakingly Slow

Well done. Could not find any references about it in the library, which, in and of itself, is not unusual. I'm beginning to think that the Orlando Public Library is run by Armenian dissidents.

10/17/97 23:02:18
Name: Jan McTolf My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where is home?: Hannibal, MO
How is it with your soul?: serene

Very interestinghistory of the first scribes. Are you non-denominational?

10/17/97 21:22:48
Name: Neal Lassinger My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: Columbia, MO How is it with your soul?: It is well To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: Actively
Who are your heroes/heroines?: Bill Hybels

I think the page is great and like the basic concept. Keep on building the church of Christ!

10/15/97 07:57:11
My URL: Visit Me


10/14/97 03:06:09
Name: Rob Stolberg My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: Palmyra, Mo. How is it with your soul?: Pretty Good To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: Always working on it to make it better
Who are your heroes/heroines?: My family & Jesus

Very good page !!

10/02/97 18:16:15
Name: Kathryn McDaniel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Where is home?: Canton
How is it with your soul?: searching To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: under construction


09/28/97 17:48:45
Name: Marvin's kid--or, Debra Jones My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: Hannibal, MO How is it with your soul?: fine To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: ?????????????????????
Who are your heroes/heroines?: my dad and my mom.

GRRRRRRRRREAT Page!!! (Get it?? Frosted Flakes!!Tee hee)

09/25/97 13:19:16
Name: Mike Coleman My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: Hannibal, Mo. How is it with your soul?: Pretty good. To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: I am finished with the exterior. Now I am designing and finishing the interior.
Who are your heroes/heroines?: Sir Thomas Moore, Dr. Martin Luter King, Jr., Mary [the Mother of Christ], and Jesus of Nazareth

My heroes and heroines stand tall for their faith and integrity. They help me in the construction of my interior cathedral in that they each become a pillar of support, or a plaque of memorial, so that when I am weak I know others who, in their weakness, continued to construct their inner cathedral.

09/25/97 11:13:54
Name: Menachem's Scribe My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Where is home?: Heaven How is it with your soul?: It has never been better! To what degree are you constructing your interior cathedral?: It is now completed.
Who are your heroes/heroines?: My Lord and Master Jesus, the Christ

I will help you, any way I can, with your journey.

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