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Some other awards this site has won., page 1
Some of the awards this site has won.

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These awards were given in honor of Jesus Christ whose true spirit inspires this page.
In the next life I plan to lay these humble honors at the feet of my Master.

--AWARD No. 1--
Dear brother Mike: Your page is a true blessing! We just found it and decided to grant you our humble award dessigned for very special Christian Web Pages. God bless you, and thank you for your page! Gilda Orlandi -- Ministerio Maranatha

--AWARD No. 2--

Hello, The site is great....Keep up spreading our awesome message that Jesus DOES save.!!! The WSOD award is yours. Thanks again, James Bowman -- "netman"

--AWARD No. 3--

Michael, . . . I can appreciate what you are doing for the kingdom. God provides many ministries to reaching the lost. I will pray for yours. I have awarded your web site the Holyman "Salt & Light" award. I look forward to seeing it progress. I understand and appreciate your means of ministry ... continue to be the salt and light of Jesus! God Bless, Bob AuBuchon --"On the Journey Together"

--AWARD No. 4--

Hello from sunny Arizona, After viewing your Home page I must say you have outstanding taste in web page design... it's one of the best I've seen in a long time... We know how much work goes into creating a quality site like this... We at Army Community Service (ACS) are always on the lookout for Family type pages. We here, are proud to award you with the Army Community Service Award of Excellence for your outstanding site. Thank you, Randy

The Lighthouse
Member of the Lighthouse Family
--AWARD No. 5--

Hi Mike, We have reviewed your site and are pleased to give it the Lighthouse Award. Keep your light shining for Christ! In His Service, Art Murphy

To God be the Glory!

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