Welcome to Toby Griffen's Web Site

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The following items are either as yet unpublished or published under the author's copyright.

Complete list of Griffen's publications.

Deciphering the Vinča Script

Here is a paper summarizing this researcher's work in identifying and deciphering the Vinča Script. This script was used in the Balkans in the fifth millennium BCE and represents the first attested writing, well before the developments in Sumer. It also reconstructs the first sentence (found to date) ever written: The Bear Goddess and the Bird Goddess are the Bear Goddess indeed. The paper is an outgrowth of articles in the Journal of Indo-European Studies and the LACUS Forum (see publications) as well as guest lectures at The Citadel and Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. It is in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format.

Last updated on 1 August 2007 with Addendum II
vinca script vincha script

Celtic Studies


Click on the Happy Camper to reach a Scouting Resource Page
with a nocturnal and a short vocabulary for German interpreters


 Cadet’s Dream
A Neoplatonic Novel

 Toby Griffen

In a surreal dream, the protagonist finds himself at a ball in Charleston’s Hibernian Hall, where he witnesses the suffering of the Lady in the Shiny Green Dress. When she looks to him imploringly, he awakes in a panic and realizes that he must come to an understanding of her anguish before he can do ... whatever it is he is supposed to do. In an extended vision, he descends into what he perceives to be Charleston – or rather, some alternative Charleston – of thirty years earlier, and he joins his soul with that of a distraught cadet returning at midnight to The Acropolis, The Military Academy of the South. Here, Cadet undertakes a journey through love and loss, isolation and unity, and confrontation with religious and political bigotry.

To reach the download page for this free novel, please click on the cover image below:

cover image

hco virtual reunion


moon phases


At This Geocities Site Since
11 November 1998

created by Toby D. Griffen

e-mail: tdg+at+fanad.net

last modified: 16 August 2008
