Dr. Maxson's Guestbook!

Erin Smith - 10/17/99 23:45:37
My URL:http://thunder.prohosting.com/~stirring
My Email:StirringLC@aol.com

nice site.

Julia Aycock - 09/26/99 19:46:45
My Email:jaycock@email.unc.edu

Hi Dr. Maxson! I found your homepage and decided to write to see how things were going. College is going great so far. Email me and let me know what you are up to. C-ya, Julia

Cassie Williams - 09/15/99 03:33:57
My Email:cassieew@email.unc.edu

Hey Dr. Maxson! Just bored and on the net, and I remembered you mentioning your web page in class, so I found the address, and checked it out. Pretty good page, better than I could do. Best of luck in whatever you're doing now!

Jason Keeter - 04/20/99 01:38:39
My Email:jaykeet2@aol.com

What up. One of this days i will get u "slappy" and put you on the ground like a sake of potatoes. HEHE??? :-} write back later

Bryan Ping - 01/11/99 14:23:04
My Email:bryker@prodigy.net

Damn, Harry, I just missed you. I'm back at Nash, but you just left. I changed my name to Bryan Kerner. Hope to hear from you.

barrie maxson - 11/29/98 03:56:55
My Email:jbmaxson@sprynet,com

just looking up the name on yahoo.

10/26/98 10:35:23
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Cindy - 09/25/98 04:27:27
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Cindy - 08/27/98 14:11:27
My URL:http://www.sexoo.com
My Email:elalla@hotmail.com
comment: Nice page... cum see the free sex at the url above!!

Jessica - 07/25/98 00:45:14
My Email:JCohoon282@aol.com

Hi Dr Maxson!! I just wanted to see how you are doing and what you ever found as far as your job is concerned. I hope that you are doing well.

Jessica - 07/25/98 00:41:35
My Email:JCohoon282@aol.com

Hi Dr Maxson!! I just wanted to see how you are doing and what you ever found as far as your job is concerned. I hope that you are doing well.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 07:05:45
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Fat Boy #2 - 05/29/98 15:12:53
My Email:oboyleb @hotmail.com

Max, what's been going on? Anything in the works? Maybe I'll see you around RMT this summer. Give me a call, and we'll grab low-cholesterol pizza and low-fat beer. Best, Fat Boy#2

Aaron Sacher - 05/08/98 18:29:53
My Email:degenerationx67@hotmail.com

this page is GAY its sucks and nicole carter wants your phone number

Aaron Sacher - 05/08/98 18:28:56
My Email:degenerationx67@hotmail.com

this page is GAY its sucks and nicole carter wants your phone numbe

Eric A. Morgan - 04/11/98 20:50:13
My Email:ericks_place@yahoo.com

So, Dr. Maxson, I see you are now at Wesleyan. It was great recalling the creative writing course from a few years ago as I read Newton's poem. I'm back in town now because of more problems with my health. I will probably be finishing up at ecu next semester as apposed to going back up to Liberty University. I am really happy to see that The Younger was published. Congratulations!!! I knew it would happen. I'm sure I'll bump into you at some point in time. Anyway, I couldn't resist checking the internet to see if y u had a home page. It paid off. Your class still effects my writing to this day. I am constantly inspired.

Robert Willis - 02/26/98 12:22:32
My Email:rmwillis@unity.ncsu.edu

Nice website.

bILL O'BOYLE - 01/28/98 15:36:55
My URL:http://oboyleb @hotmail. com

Max, I don't see you much. How have you been? Any new publications in the works? How's the porpoise book? New poems? I've sent a few things to the Jones Foundation in Ohio. Maybe I'll get lucky. Let me know what's going on with you. Bill

bILL O'BOYLE - 01/28/98 15:35:39
My URL:http://oboyleb @hotmail. com

Max, I don't see you much. How have you been? Any new publications in the works? How's the porpoise book? New poems? I've sent a few things to the Jones Foundation in Ohio. Maybe I'll get lucky. Let me know what's going on with you. Bill

Carrie - 01/26/98 16:28:58
My Email:Shuffma@ibm.net

Looking really good, You are a real cool cyberdad, and cyberdad-in-law.love Carrie and Shawn

Thad Caldwell - 01/25/98 00:14:19


Wil Carpenter - 01/19/98 20:25:11
My URL:http://www.ncwc.edu/~wcarpenter
My Email:wcarpenter@ncwc.edu

Thanx for the links.

Elisa Ferrall - 01/17/98 20:10:25
My Email:eferrall@ncwc.edu


Elisa Ferrall - 01/17/98 20:09:53
My Email:eferrall@ncwc.edu


Deon Smith - 01/16/98 06:16:42
My Email:dsmith569@earthlink.net

looking forward to viewing the pages and different links

Bubba - 11/20/97 16:35:08

I don't see you much. How are things going? Care to join us at Fat Boys for lunch? Maybe we'll catch up at the end of the semester. What is the latest from the Northeast? Fatboy #2

battaglia - 11/19/97 20:01:53

First browse feels good.

- 10/08/97 04:03:11


Daniel Weeks - 10/06/97 18:03:20
My URL:http://www.ratamacue.com
My Email:dweeks@mondec.monmouth.edu

Harry: Thanks for putting up my poem. I dig it! Dan

nholt - 09/26/97 06:53:41

max--this is awesome. looks like you made painless evolution to cyberspace

Newton Holt - 09/26/97 03:26:32
My Email:NHolt86039@aol.com

finally online!

Kelly and Sarah - 09/24/97 17:19:45

We miss you in class! Nash just is not the same without you!!!!!!! We hope to see you soon!!!! Kelly Carmichael & Sarah Elhoffer

olivia foreman - 09/04/97 16:23:56
My Email:oforeman@ncwc.edu

Mr. Maxson I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your class ( t-th 1:00). I was wondering if I could bring you some of the poems and stories I have written in the past and let you read over them to get your opinion. I have never been in con act with anyone that has had a book published so I would appreciate it if you would look over my work. Olivia

olivia foreman - 09/04/97 16:17:15
My Email:oforeman@ncwc.edu

Mr. Maxson I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoy your class. I was wondering if I could bring you some of the poems and stories I have written on the past and let you read over them to get your opinion. I have never been in contact with anyo e that has had a book published so I would appreciate it if you would look over my work. thanks. olivia

Sid Grady - 08/29/97 15:58:40
My Email:egrady

Awsome! Great site for reference. Thanks . North Carolina Wesleyan student class of 2001.

Emerson Hunt - 08/29/97 02:21:28

Dr. Maxson, this is a very interesting site. Although I have to admit that it is a new experience for me to 'surf the net'. Of all that I have been able to see on this page I would have to say that I've enjoyed reading the poems the most. Thanks for the opportunity.

Emerson Hunt - 08/29/97 02:12:07


Claudia - 08/17/97 00:51:33
My Email:cyoungc@den.k12.de.us

Enjoyed your web page. Can you arrange a signing in Dover,Delaware?

Steve & Lou Cooper - 08/11/97 02:29:26
My Email:lcooper@injersey.com

Max, Way cool man. You're own web page. How do you like the valley speak? It looks good. Lou

Daniel King - 08/02/97 02:57:12
My Email:ugking@ecuvax.cis.ecu.edu

Dr. Maxson, I just checked out your homepage and the design was great. The little man with the shovel was quite intriguing. The links I'm sure will be of use to many people and the section on your latest publishings was cool. It's always good to know there is something new in the works.

Preacher - 08/01/97 12:32:02
My Email:prchr@mindspring.com

In one sell fwoop, another dimension conquered. Vinnie would be proud!

Kenny Walker - 08/01/97 04:26:23
My Email:KWalker900@aol.com

Dr. Maxson, love the web page and thanks for the link to the joke page I have really enjoyed it.

Austin Watts - 07/30/97 04:35:06
My Email:awatts@comp.uark.edu

Cool web site!!

Carrie Maxson - 07/25/97 19:51:14
My Email:shuffma@ibm.net

Very cool Dad!!!!!!!!

- 07/22/97 23:08:15


Mike Latham - 07/22/97 19:54:43
My URL:/Athens/Delphi/6941
My Email:mlatham@nash.cc.nc.us

Great page! Obviously the work of a true pro!

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