  • Office Administration 
  • Sakoda, Colleen S. - Chair, Associate Professor
  • Baity, Brenda, Assistant Professor
  • Bogue, Esther B., Professor
  • Flood, Patricia, Assistant Professor
  • Frise, Daniel, Instructor
  • Shibata, Elaine Y., Professor 
Adjunct Faculty
  • Anderson, Marilyn
  • Bohlander, Grace
  • Collins, Bernice
  • Friedman, Marianne
  • Kurisu, Leland
  • Lyon, Raymond H.
  • Miyashiro, Youngsil C.
  • Payne, Charles E.
  • Smith, Emanuel J.
Educational Programs
Certificate Programs: 

Administrative Assistant 
This program is designed for students who want to work in an office and possess the skills necessary to take shorthand and transcribe it accurately. 

Clerical Assistant 
This program is designed for students who want a course of study that will enable them to enter the clerical job market in the shortest possible time. 

Executive Secretary 
This program is designed to prepare students to know the fundamentals of business and human relations skills and the excel in language arts, shorthand, and computer skills. 

Legal Secretary 
This program prepares the student for a secretarial position in the offices attorneys, the legal department of private industries, federal, state, country, or city government, and courts. 

Office Systems specialist 
This certificate program is designed to provide up-to-date preparation in state-of-the-art automated office technology and office systems.  Students who pursue this certificate will gain a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the current office environment.  The program can be completed in three semesters. 

There are many opportunities in business for individuals who are proficient in the language arts and who are skilled in the operation of transcribing machines and computers.  This program can be completed in three semesters. 

Word Information Processor 
Students who pursue this certificate program will gain a basic knowledge and understanding of ideas related and applied in a modern office environment or word processing center. 

Degree Programs: 

Executive Secretary 
(Associate in Arts Degree) 
This program is designed to prepare students to know the fundamentals of business and human relations skills and to excel in language arts, shorthand, and computer skills. 

Legal Secretary 
(Associate in Arts Degree)  
This program prepares the student for a secretarial position in the offices of attorneys, the legal departments of private industries, federal, state, country, or city government, and the courts. 

Office Systems Specialist 
(Associate in Arts Degree) 
This program is designed to provide up-to-date preparation in state-of-the-art automated office technology and office systems.  Students who pursue this degree will gain a comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the current office environment. 

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