  • Nursing 
  • Gaines, Lurelean B. - Chair
  • Instructor, Nursing
  • Chuksorji, Jean, Professor
  • Florez, Alice, Professor
  • Lutz, Kathaleen  J., Professor
  • Moore, Dorothy  L., Professor
  • Nash, Cecilia L., Instructor
  • Ramos, Leticia  N., Associate Professor
  • Ramsey, Nancy L., Professor
  • Romero, Laura G., Assistant Professor
  • Sunda, Pauline, Instructor
  • Tyo, Stephanie, Professor 
Adjunct Faculty
  • Benitez, Ruth L. 
  • Castelan, David 
  • Pitt, Thelean 
  • Rangel, Rosa A. 
  • Vale, Timothy
Educational Programs
Certificate Programs: 

R.N. Curricula for Licensed Vocational Nurses 
Option #2 (30 unit Program/Non-Graduate) 
(See Option #1 listed under Degree Programs) 
Prerequisites include a current California L.V.N. license, Physiology 1, Microbiology 1 or 20 with Chemistry prerequisite. Nursing 261 must be taken the semester the student enters. U.S. high school graduate or equivalent required prior to BRN licensure examination (NCLEX). 

NOTE: Licensure may be limited to the State of California. Also, the student is not considered a graduate of the nursing program and does not qualify for the A.A. degree or Certificate of Completion in nursing.  Students selecting this option must be counseled by the Nursing chair. 

Degree Programs: 

Nursing, Registered (R.N.) 
(Associate in Science Degree) 
All students transferring from another School of Nursing will be evaluated by a Nursing Department Committee as to nursing course transfer credit. Syllabi and college catalog must accompany application. In addition all transfers must submit a letter from their former chairperson stating they are clinically safe. 

Registered Nurse (RN) Curriculum 
Nursing 9-10 week short term courses: 
Nursing 211A, 211B, 221, 222, 242, 231, 232, 241, 243, 257, 257A, 257B, and 261.  Nursing 250 = 18 hours.  Nursing clinical or laboratory classes are scheduled in select hospitals around the city, during the day, and/or evening shift. 

Students must provide their own transportation to extended facilities. ELAC uniforms must be worn when in a clinical  facility unless otherwise stated by Department of Nursing. 

Students completing the requirements of the Registered Nursing Program graduation must petition for grad check (see schedule of classes for deadline). Students are required to purchase malpractice insurance upon acceptance into the program. Students must also meet Departmental health standards. 

Basic R.N. Nursing Curriculum 
See Program Requirements for Acceptance into Program. 

R.N. Curricula for Licensed Vocational Nurses  
1. Student is a graduate of the Nursing Program. 
2. Student is eligible to receive A.S. or Certificate of Completion. 
3. Eligible for R.N. Board Exams. 
4. License recognized in all states. 

See Nursing Department for Program Requirements 

Transfer Programs: 

Nursing programs throughout the state are impacted. Most California State Universities require transfers to have an Associate in Arts Degree in Nursing and their R.N. License.  

Please check with a counselor regarding transfer requirements. 

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