- Allied Health
- Anatomy
- Biology
- Electron Microscopy
- Emergency Department Assistant
- Health Information Technology
- Microbiology
- Physiology
- Respiratory Therapy
- Wistreich, Dr. George A. - Chair, Professor, Life Sciences,
- Anderson, Deborah G., Instructor, Anatomy, Biology
- Bowlus, Dr. R. David, Associate Professor, Life Sciences
- Carr, Michael R., Program Director and Associate Professor,
Respiratory Therapy
- Cervantes, Edgar J., Assistant Professor, Anatomy, Biology,
- Davidson, Lea T., Professor, Allied Health, Health Information
- Fertig, Dr. Daniel S., Instructor, Biology, Physiology
- Hill, Brian, Assistant Professor, Anatomy, Physiology
- Hirsch, Phyllis C., Assistant Professor, Anatomy, Biology,
- Mosley, Josephine B., Professor, Biology, Microbiology
- Nelson, Dorothy C., Professor, Allied Health, Health Information
- Poolsawat, Dr. Samuel S., Professor, Biology, Electron Microscopy
- Powers, Paul M., Professor, Allied Health, Respiratory Therapy
- Thompson, John M., Associate Professor, Respiratory Therapy
- Autry, Julius C, Respiratory Therapy
- Castillo, M, Health Information Technology
- Davis, A, Biology, Microbiology
- Eisenberg, Robert S., Respiratory Therapy
- Fascio, Anne M., Respiratory Therapy
- Frank, G, Respiratory Therapy
- Huerta, C, Biology
- Lutz, Kathaleen J., Emergency Department Assistant
- Mireles, Raymond S.
- Perez, Vincent D., Physiology
- Shelton, CD, Biology
- Syph, Treva J., Respiratory Theraphy
Certificate Programs:
Electron Microscopy
A Certificate in Electron Microscopy is offered
to students who have: (1) obtained an Associate in Science degree
in another subject area, and (2) completed a total of 18-21 units
in electron microscopy along with the required prerequisite course
Emergency Department Assistant
The Emergency Department Assistant training course
prepares individuals to render basic life support of the sick
and injured within an emergency medical services system.
A certificate is awarded to those completing this course with
a "C" or better.
Health Information Coding Specialist
This program is designed to prepare participants
to code and abstract health records in hospitals and other health
care facilities using the International Classification of Diseases,
9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM), Current Procedural
Terminology, 4th Edition, (CPT-4), and other current classification
Health Information Coding and Statistics Clerk
This program is designed to prepare participants
to perform virtually all nonsupervisory tasks in a health information
department including using the International Classification of
Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM), Current
Procedural Terminology, 4th Edition, (CPT-4), and other current
classification systems.
Health Information Technology
(for individual with other college degrees only)
For a description of this program see the Life Sciences
Chair in H6-126 or call (323) 265-8877.
Health Information Typist Clerk
This program is designed to pepare participants
to perform most clerical tasks (excluding those involving statistics
and coding) conducted in health information or medical record
departments in hospitals and ambulatory care facilities.
Medical Assisting Program
This program prepares men and women for positions
in health care areas associated with working in hospitals, doctor's
offices, and community medical facilities.
- Option I - Medical Asistant - This option is
designed to prepare students to perform administrative duties
such as scheduling and receiving patients, maintenance of records,
insurance matters, assisting with examinations, taking medical
histories, and other related duties.
- Option II - Community Health Worker - Individuals
completing the Community Health Worker program are prepared
to identiFy and understand selected health factors underlying
a patient's illness and to communicate these factors to the
other members of the health team. In Addition, the community
health worker assists patients and their families: 1) to understand
and accept medical treatments; 2) to adjust to permanent as
well as temporary effects of illness; 3) to utilize resources
such as local agencies assisting in patient recovery and 4)
to serve as liason between community agencies, hospitals and
clinics, and patients.
- Option III - Electrocardiographic Technician
- The Electrocardiographic Technician (EKG) certificate program
is available as a medical assisting option. Individuals
completing the program of instruction should be capable of performing
electrocardiograms and related procedures.
- Option IV - Medical Secretary - This is a program
designed to prepare students for secretarial positions in health
care institutions and medical offices. The medical secretary
is frequently required to have technician or nursing training
in addition to other secretarial skills.
Medical Transcriptionist
This One Year Program is designed to develop the following
skills- 1) accuracy and speed in transcribing medical dictation,
using the latest transcribing equipment and/or adaptations, 2) ability
to type accurate medical data because of a broad knowledge of medical
terms, drugs and instruments, 3) familiarity with the various types
of medical reports, 4) knowledge of how and when to use medical
dictionaries, spelling guides, and other standard references.
Respiratory Therapy
A certificate of completion for Respiratory Therapy
is given upon attaining the Respiratory Therapy Associate of
Science Degree.
Degree Programs:
Electron Microscopy Technician
(Associate in Science Degree)
The Electron Microscopy program offers exceptional
employment opportunities for both men and women desiring positions
as technicians in industry, dental and medical schools, hospitals,
and a variety of research institutions. Instruction is given
in the preparation and the examination of specimens. The
basic principles of electron microscopy are also presented.
The essential equipment necessary to educate and
train technicians is provided by the college. Such equipment
includes two transmission electron microscopes, one scanning electron
microscope, a vaccum evaporator, ultra-microtome, a complete photographic
laboratory and numerous accessories.
East Los Angeles College is currently one of few
community colleges in California providing this type of program.
Associate in Science degree and a certificate program are offered
by the College to prepare and qualify students in this area
of specialization. Individuals successfully completing this
course of instruction are eligible to apply for the Electron Microscopy
Society of America's technician examination.
Health Information Technology
(Associate in Science Degree)
This program prepares students to serve as health
record technicians in government and private hospitals, long term
care facilities and all types of ambulatory care facilities, peer
review organizations, and medical research organizations.
Medical Assisting
(Associate in Science Degree)
This program prepares men and women for positions
in health care associated with working in hospitals, doctor's
offices, and community medical facilities.
- Option I - Medical Assistant - This option
is designed to prepare students to perform administrative duties
such as scheduling and receiving patients, maintenance of records,
insurance matters, assisting with examinations, taking medical
histories, and other related duties.
- Option II - Community Health Worker - This
option prepares students to identify and understand selected
health factors underlying a patient's illness and to communicate
these factors to the other members of the health team.
In Addition, the community health worker assists patients and
their families: 1) to understand and accept medical treatments;
2) to adjust to permanent as well as temporary effects of illness;
3) to utilize resources such as local agencies assisting in
patient recovery and 4) to serve as liason between community
agencies, hospitals and clinics, and patients.
- Option III - Electrocardiographic Technician
- Individuals completing the program of instruction should be
capable of performing electrocardiograms and related procedures.
- Option IV - Medical Secretary - This program
prepares the student for secretarial positions in hospitals,
doctor's offices, clinics and the medical organizations of large
corporations or public health services. The medical secretary
is frequently required to have technician or nursing training
in addition to other secretarial skills.
Respiratory Therapist
(Associate in Science Degree)
This program provides students with a strong academic
foundation and the clinical proficiency to utilize modern respiratory
devices (under the direction of a physician) in the treatment of
respiratory and cardiac ailments.
In the Fall 1996 semester East Los Angeles College
and Santa Monica College merged their respective Respiratory Therapy
programs. This partnership provides increased access to
medical programs. Under the merged program all prerequisite
science courses and introductory respiratory therapy courses can
be taken at either campus.
Note: Students planning to enter this program
must complete an Allied Health Science Program Application, which
is filed with the Life Science Department. All first year
basic science courses and Respiratory Therapy courses must be
completed with a grade of "C" or better in order to continue with
second year courses.
The student is strongly advised to begin the Respiratory
Therapy Curriculum in the summer in order to complete all required
courses within two years, especially if Math 115 must be taken
as a prerequisite of Chemistry 51, Respiratory Therapy 2, Physics
11, and Respiratory Therapy 21.
Non-Traditional Respiratory Therapy
(Associate in Science Degree)
This program is designed for the experienced licensed
technician who may not have transfer credit in Respiratory Therapy.
Graduates of this program are eligible to sit for the Registered
Respiratory Therapist (RRT), Perinatal/Pediatric Respiratory Care
Specialty Examination, Registered Pulmonary Function Technologist
(CPFT) examinations administered by the National Board for Respiratory
Care (NBRC).
Program Prerequisites:
1) The student must fit into one of the following
- Two years of documented full-time experience
in respiratory care, or
- Graduation from an appropriate approved program
for respiratory therapy technicians plus one year of documented
full time respiratory therapy experience.
- Certification as a respiratory therapy technician
(CRTT) by the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) plus
one year of documented full time respiratory therapy experience.
- Two years of documented full time experience
as a registered nurse (RN) in a hospital setting with major
contact with respiratory patients.
2) Completion of an application for the non-traditional
respiratory therapy program. Applications can be obtaianed
from the Respiratory Therapy Program Office (323) 265-8813.
Transfer Programs:
(California State University, Los Angeles/University
of California, Los Angeles)
A major in the biological sciences may emphasize
traditional fields of botany, zoology, selected areas of microbiology,
or may cut across these traditional lines by emphasizing genetics,
evolution, physiology, ecology and molecular biological principles
and concepts. The degree in biology is designed specifically
to provide breadth and depth in the biological sciences and supporting
physical sciences needed by workers in technical fields associated
with various aspects of applied biology. It is also intended
to provide rigorous training necessary for those wanting to become
competent biologists or to pursue graduate or professional work.
The major program in microbiology at the bachelor's
level is designed to provide a general and basic training in microbiology
and to some extent in related fields, such as medical technology,
sanitary science, and biochemistry. The program will qualify
a student for (a) graduate study in microbiology; (b) entrance
into medical, or dental, or pharmacy school (by selecting a small
number of additional courses); (c) positions as research technicians
at various universities and research institutes; (d) positions
in federal, state, and local governmental agencies; (e) positions
in the pharmaceutical, food, brewing, chemical and dairy industries.
Because of its practical nature, microbiology offers wider direct
employment opportunities in industry and related fields than is
found in the other biological sciences.
Microbiologists specialize in the study of bacteria,
viruses, protozoans, fungi and immunological principles and techniques.
The terms microbiology and bacteriology are often used interchangeably,
but microbiology is now considered the more accurate term to use
when referring to the study of microorganisms. In the area
of medical microbiology, microbiology, microbiologists investigate
microorganisms that cause infectious diseases. The public
health microbiologist is concerned with the control of diseases,
and the safety of water supplies, foods, and the general environment.
In the area of industrial or appplied microbiology, microbiologists
are interested in microorganisms that are beneficial to humans
and other forms of life, as well as those organisms that cause
spoilage of food and various manufactured products. In the
basic scientific field, microbiologists study many of the fundamental
problems of biological sciences in areas such as cellular physiology
and genetics using microorganisms for experimentation purposes.