- Goldstein, Sheila F. - Chair, Professor
- Beaulieu, David, Assistant Professor
- Beltran, Richard J., Assistant Professor
- Butman, Raymond S., Professor
- Durso, Josephine, Associate Professor
- Elias, Dr. Linda, Assistant Professor
- Everhart, Genice, Instructor
- Immerblum, Alex W., Instructor
- Kerford, Jane P., Professor
- Kolibar, Dr. Emery, Instructor
- Lem, Carol A., Instructor
- Lucero, Diane, Associate Professor
- Munoz, Eduardo, Assistant Professor
- Oropesa, Stanley A., Assistant Professor
- Sanchez, Dennis, Associate Professor
- Spangler, Susanne L., Professor
- Suntree, Susan, Instructor
- Alleman, Carol R.
- Amador, Nora M.
- Atwell, Paula A.
- Baydaline, Jane G.
- Boyd, Andrew B.
- Burd, James R.
- Cabral, John C.
- Cavanaugh, Dennis R.
- Cummins, Elsa C.
- Dodd, Neil G.
- Duffy, Anne M.
- Fink, Lila R.
- Houston, Clifford J.
- Houston, Clara R.
- Huttler, Rubin A.
- Matsuda, Sumio
- Moran, James K.
- Rees, John K.
- Salazar, Lillian M.
- Schoenberg, Albert
- Schwartz, Bruce R.
- Shahinian, Araxy O.
- Swanson, Peter G.
- Tigue, William B.
- Tirado, Miguel
- Tragarz, Roberta D.
Transfer Programs:
Courses included in the English curriculum are
designed to achieve these objectives:
- To help the student to develop the skills required
in such careers as social work, teaching, library science, law,
journalism, publishing, advertising, writing, public relations,
civil service, sales, management, and any other careers which
require facility in writing.
- To help the student to broaden his or her understanding
of self and others through the study of language and literature.
- to help the student enjoy and appreciate literature.
- To provide courses which satisfy the needs
of the foreign-speaking student; of the student desiring developmental
work; of the two-year student working for an A.A. degree; and
of the student planning to transfer to a four-year college or