  • Accounting
  • Business
  • Computer Science Information Technology
  • Finance
  • Law
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Real Estate
  • Supervision
  • Larizadeh, Faramarz - Chair, Professor,  Accounting, Business
  • Alderete, Dr. Frank J., Professor, Business
  • Anderson, Dr. Olivia V., Assistant Professor, Law, Real Estate
  • Dixon, Dr. Elliot J., Professor, Law, Real Estate
  • Enomoto, John Y., Professor, Computer Science Information Technology
  • Holguin, Dr. Roderick, Professor, Business, Finance, Management, Marketing, Supervision
  • Lipscomb, Dr. Roderick, Professor, 

  • Law, Real Estate 
  • Rodriguez, Dr. Dario, Assistant Professor Law, Real Estate
  • Sandlin, Donald L., Professor, Business, Management, Marketing, Supervision
  • Sheran, Helen, Instructor, Computer Science Information Technology 
Adjunct Faculty
  • Aguilar, Agustin T., Computer Science Information Technology
  • Bahbah, Ahmed I., Accounting
  • Beppu, Lisa J., Computer Science Information Technology
  • Boyd, Gerald E., Computer Science Information Technology
  • Byrd, Max C.,  Computer Science Information Technology
  • Chen, Jeng Neng, Accounting
  • Cleva, Vernon J., Law
  • Covington, Richard G., Computer Science Information Technology
  • De Ocampo, Erlinda, Accounting
  • Demroff, Merle, Business
  • Dolores, Aurora P., Accounting
  • Eulencamp, Howard L., Computer Science Information Technology
  • Gabriel, Tony D., Computer Science Information Technology
  • Haydon, James L., Accounting
  • Hess, Roger C., Accounting
  • Houston, Michael R., Computer Science Information Technology
  • Ikei, E. Colin, Computer Science Information Technology
  • Kervahn, Richard L., Computer Science Information Technoloyg
  • Kervahn, William G., Computer Science Information Technology
  • Kong, Stanley S., Accounting
  • McGarrell, Roy, Accounting
  • Meister, Albert M., Real Estate
  • Mitchell, Edward T., Business
  • Nichols, John R., Computer Science Information Technology
  • Sanchez, Vicente E., Computer Science Information Technology
  • Su, Song, Computer Science Information Technology
  • Sun, Pao Kong, Computer Science Information Technology
  • Venti, Benjamin F., Real Estate
  • Yen, Dat, Real Estate
Educational Programs
Certificate Programs: 

This program is designed to give the student specific knowledge of accounting and an overall view of business, law and data processing. It would allow the student to take advantage of enormous opportunities in public, private or government sectors. 

Business Management 
This program is designed for the student ambitious to advance to a position of responsibility in a business organization and for the student preparing to go into business for himself. 

Computer Science Information Technology – Microcomputer 
This program is designed to give students fundamental entry level job skills, a marketable level of computer literacy, and an opportunity to transfer most of the CSIT courses to a four-year college. 

Computer Science Information Technology – Programming 
This program enables students to gain much needed programming experience with mainframe computers as well as microcomputers. These experiences will enable students to advance from several entry level jobs to higher positions in supervision, business management, and systems analysis. 

Governmental Supervision 
For a description of this program see the Business Administration Department Chair in E5-101 or call (323) 265-8844. 

This program is designed to train students to advance in positions such as retail sales, insurance sales, department manager and buyer, chain store manager, credit manager, advertising salesperson, and wholesale sales work. The program is also planned for those who plan to operate their own business. 

Local business associations cooperate in offering suitable paid employment experience to students. 

Real Estate Appraisal 
This program is designed to prepare students to take the examination to become a State Licensed Real Estate Appraiser. An appraisal by a licensed appraiser is required for virtually all real estate transactions. There are employment opportunities for appraisers in the banking, insurance, and real estate industries. Much of the course work is done hands on using the department's real estate computer laboratory. 

Real Estate Broker 
This program is designed to prepare students to take the examination to become a State Licensed Real Estate Broker. A licensed real estate broker sells houses and other real estate independently or under the guidance of another broker. 

Real Estate Escrow 
This program is designed to prepare students for employment as an Escrow Officer. Much of the course work is done hands on using the department's real estate computer laboratory. 

Real Estate Sales 
This program prepares students for the State Real Estate Salesperson Licensing Examination. A Licensed Real Estate Salesperson sells houses and other real estate under the guidance of a Licensed Real Estate Broker. 

Degree Programs: 

(Associate in Arts Degree) 
This program is designed for the student who wishes to become a bookkeeper or accountant, or to do accounting work of an advanced and technical nature in public or private accounting. (The student who plans to transfer to a college or university with junior standing should follow the lower division requirements of his chosen institution.) 

Business Management 
(Associate in Arts Degree) 
This program is designed for the student ambitious to advance to a position of responsibility in a business organization and for the student preparing to go into business for himself. 

Computer Science Information Technology 
(Associate in Arts Degree) 
For a description of this program see the Business Department Vice Chair in E5-101, or call (323) 265-8831. 

Government Supervision 
(Associate in Arts Degree) 
For a description of this program see the Business Department Chair in E5-101, or call (323) 265-8844. 

(Associate in Arts Degree) 
This program is intended for students who intend to pursue careers which include retail sales, insurance sales, department manager and buyer, chain store manager, credit manager, advertising salesperson, and wholesale sales work. The program is also intended for those who plan to operate their own business. 

Transfer Programs: 

The accounting major begins to prepare the student to serve in the accounting department of an organization. This department maintains appropriate records of all the financial transactions; for example, the cash account reflects the amount of money received and spent, the receivables account represents amounts due from other organizations. Accounts are kept for all other financial transactions which include such items as taxes and salaries. 
Please see Business Administration. 

Business Administration 
California State University, Los Angeles 
California State University, Los Angeles offers a Bachelor of Science degree in business with various areas of specialization. These areas are represented by the following options within the major: Accounting, Business Arts (pre-legal), Business Economics and Statistics, Business Information Systems, Finance, Insurance, Labor Relations, Management, Marketing, Office Administration, Real Estate and Transportation. 

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