  • Art
  • Scott, Carson M. - Chair, Professor
  • Alanen, Dr. Marie, Assistant Professor
  • Owens, Michael, Instructor
  • Pfeiffer, Dr. Katherine S., Professor
  • Silliman, Thomas L., Professor
  • Uyekawa, Jim, Assistant Professor 
Adjunct Faculty
  • Ahmadpour, Alireza
  • Arata, Michale
  • Fukazawa, Keiko
  • Hoar, Marc S.
  • Moreno, Christine
  • Smith, June L.
  • Tapley, George M.
Educational Programs
Certificate Programs:

Animation Program - Coming Soon

Arts Graphic Communication
For a description of this program see the Art Department Chair in F6-102, or call (323) 265-8840.

Electronic Publishing
(This program is offered under a consortium of the departments of Art, Journalism, and Photography)

This program will give the students skills in the fields of Graphic Design, Journalism, and Photography and in the use of computers to produce newspapers, newsletters, advertising, and brochures.

Degree Programs:

Arts Graphic Communication
(Associate in Arts Degree)
This program is designed to give the student basic design and computer skills which will allow them to pursue graphic arts careers in such areas as advertising, desktop publishing, and product design.

Electronic Publishing
(Associate in Arts Degree)
(This program is offered under a consortium of the departments of Art, Journalism, and Photography)

This program will give the students skills in the fields of Graphic Design, Journalism, and Photography and in the use of computers to produce newspapers, newsletters, advertising, and brochures.

Transfer Programs:

California State University, Los Angeles
Any student planning to transfer to a four-year school should contact that school's Art Department for a current list of requirements and see an ELAC counselor or go to the Transfer Center for specific information about the college to which you plan to transfer.

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