  • Architecture 
  • Ishino, Jerry G. - Chair, Associate Professor
  • Navarro, Alexis J.M., Assistant Professor 
Adjunct Faculty
  • Angelo, David 
  • Cheng, David D.
  • Gibson, Patrick 
  • Hamner, Michael D. 
  • Oliva, Marcela 
  • Ramirez, Irma 
  • Rendler, Michael 
  • Stenhouse, Douglas 
Educational Programs
Certificate Programs: 
  • Architectural Computer Aided Design/Drafting
  • Architectural Drafting
These architecture programs are two year sequences of courses designed for students who wish to train for employment in a field related to the construction industry and who do not wish to transfer to a university for further education. 

Degree Programs: 

(Associate in Arts Degree) 

  • Architectural Computer Aided Design/Drafting
  • Architectural Drafting
The Occupational curriculums are a two-year sequence of courses designed for students who wish to train for employment in a field related to the construction industry and not transfer to a university for further education. 

Transfer Programs: 

The following university transfer programs are available to the students.  An Associate in Arts Degree in Architecture is granted when the transfer student completes all architectural and general education courses. The total units required for graduation will vary according to which university the student is planning to transfer. 

Architecture and Construction Management 
California Polytechnic State University,  
San Luis Obispo 

The School of Architecture and Environmental Design California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, offers three five-year programs leading to the Bachelor of Architecture, and two four-year programs leading to the Bachelor of Science in Architectural Engineering, and the Bachelor of Science in Construction Management. The curriculum in Architecture at East Los Angeles College provides the first and most of the second year Architectural requirements for the three degrees. 

Not more than 70 units may be allowed for credit earned at East Los Angeles College. Students may complete the courses in strength of materials and any deficient work and/or courses required by the California State Polytechnic University in the summer quarter preceding the regular school year for which they plan to enroll at the university. 

The student must keep a portfolio of architecture course work taken at East Los Angeles College for purposes of evaluation and acceptance of courses by the School of Architecture and Environmental Design at San Luis Obispo. 

California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 
The School of Environmental Design at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, offers a five-year program leading to the Bachelor of Architecture. The curriculum in Architecture at East Los Angeles College provides most of the first and second year requirements in Architecture. 

Not more than 70 units may be allowed for credit earned at East Los Angeles College. Students must complete any deficient work and/or courses required by California State Polytechnic University, in the Fall semester preceding the regular school year for which they plan to enroll at the University. 

The student must keep a portfolio of Architecture course work taken at East Los Angeles College for purposes of evaluation and acceptance of courses by the School of Environmental Design at Pomona.  See department for student handout. 

University of Southern California 
The School of Architecture at University of Southern California offers a program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Architecture. The curriculum in Architecture at East Los Angeles College provides most of the first and second year requirements in Architecture.  

Not more than 70 units may be allowed for credit earned at East Los Angeles College. The student must keep a portfolio of architecture course work taken for purposes of evaluation and acceptance of courses by the School of Architecture at University of Southern California.  

Woodbury University 
The School of Architecture & Design at Woodbury University offers a five-year NAAB accredited program leading to the Bachelor of Architecture. The curriculum in Architecture at East Los Angeles College provides many of the first and second year requirements in Architecture. 

Not more than 70 units may be allowed for credit earned at East Los Angeles College. The student must keep a portfolio of Architecture course work taken at East Los Angeles College for purposes of evaluation by the School of Architecture and Design at Woodbury University. 

Architecture/Lanscape Architecture 
University of California, Berkeley 
The College of Environmental Design offers a program leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts with majors in Architecture and Landscape Architecture. It is organized to give the student a broad general education as well as an introduction to the problems of environmental design. The A.B. degree is not a professional degree, but provides preparation for professional study at the graduate level for those who qualify for admission to the Graduate Division. 

The offerings at East Los Angeles College provide all of the first and second year major work in architecture and landscape architecture. A student successfully completing the program outlined here is eligible for the Associate in Arts degree from E.L.A.C. and may transfer with full junior status to the College of Environmental Design, U.C.B. A maximum of 70 units of work earned at East Los Angeles College may be transferred for unit credit. 

Construction Management 
California State University, Long Beach 
The department of Engineering Technology at California State University, Long Beach offers a four-year program leading to a Bachelor of Science degree in Engineering Construction Management. 

The Industrial Technology program is organized to provide the student with a strong general background of industrial knowledge. The graduates are equipped to use complex tools and processes of modern industry to coordinate construction or production. They assume positions of administrative responsibility entailing the supervision of both people and facilities. 

The offerings at East Los Angeles College provide all of the first and second year major work in Industrial Technology.  Students successfully completing the program outlined here are eligible for the Associate in Arts degree from East Los Angeles College and may transfer with full junior status to California State University, Long Beach. 

A maximum of 70 units of work earned at East Los Angeles College may be transferred for unit credit. Courses completed at East Los Angeles College in Architecture, Chemistry, Civil Engineering, Mathematics, Physics, and Science must carry a "C" grade or better to transfer. 

Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning 
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona 
The School of Environmental Design at California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, offers two (2) four-year programs leading to either the Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture or the Bachelor of Science in Urban Planning.  

The curriculum in Architecture at East Los Angeles College provides most of the first and second year requirements in Landscape Architecture and Urban Planning.  Not more than 70 units may be allowed for credit earned at East Los Angeles College. Students may complete any deficient work and/or courses required by California State Polytechnic University but not offered at East Los Angeles College in the summer quarter preceding the regular school year for which they plan to enroll at the University. The student must keep a portfolio of Architecture course work taken at East Los Angeles College for purposes of evaluation and acceptance of courses by the School of Environmental Design at Pomona. 


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