David: I am One

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David began his journey to Peace and Oneness in
1986 when he encountered the Present Moment and recognized it as
the experience he had seemed to be seeking for during many, many years.
In the early years David meditated and pondered and contemplated many things
with passionate intensity, often focusing for eight or more hours a day.
After two years of this practice, David began to seek the company of
others who were similarly interested in Living in the Present Moment.

Among family members, friends and teachers, David was always known
for questioning everything, rather than accepting conventional
answers. Thus he was delighted to find in the Present Moment support
for his careful examination of every idea, belief, concept and assumption
in his mind. He developed an inner discernment that carried him along in life.

In 1991 David was impelled to make another leap of trust and to begin
traveling around the United States and Canada, sharing his clarity of
understanding related to the Present Moment and the experience of Oneness.
David found that it was constant joy and peace that was the best teacher in
all encounters, and that it was this peace that all his brothers and
sisters were seeking. David has never charged for his time, teaching or anything
and he been supported entirely by love offerings. In all his years of
traveling and sharing the wisdom of Now, David has become a living
demonstration of the principles of the Present Moment and Inner Peace.

In 1996 David came to a small house located near the center of Cincinnati,
Ohio, and he called it the PeaceHouse. It became a place of quiet and
meditation between travels, but also a place where he could welcome
those desiring to step back from the world and to go deeply within.

In 2003 David began traveling around the world, sharing the
message of Oneness with everyone he meets.  His travels
took him to South America first, and he was warmly
received.  He goes wherever he is invited.

David can be e-mailed at: david@awakening-mind.org

or called at: 513-898-1364


Writings (Links)


Awakening in Oneness: Online Writings

Greetings brothers and sisters

The Meaning of Free Will

The Mind and the Heart

Approaching the Present Moment


The Impossibility of Attack


Obstacles to Peace


A Focus for our gathering

Beyond the belief in victimization

Peace, Be Still awhile

Truth has no exceptions

Forgiveness easy/Judgment is impossible

Mystic One

Welcoming miracles everyday!

The Invulnerability of Love

Opening to forgiveness

Opening to Love

A little willingness

Community of the Heart

Why guilt is never justified

Releasing the addictive belief

In Oneness nothing is personal

A parable of Awakening

What the world is searching for

With you all the way

Peace comes with Acceptance

Extending the Love!


Beyond Potential

Mind Watching


Relationship is Divine ...to last

There's no place like Home

Follow your Heart!

Letting Go and Trusting

Opening our Heart

Attributes of Love



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