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Cher - 10/17/00 01:16:57
My Email:spdchief@sbtc.net

Looks real good, I like the new winter look

Sue - 09/18/00 12:56:42
My URL:http://thepeterson.homepage.com
My Email:s1pete@email.msn.com

Ceridwen, I really enjoyed looking around your website. I think our Armsden connection makes us cousins of some sort :) Thanks for visiting our site and I promise to keep you and your mom posted on any family findings. Take care!

Bob Yorks - 09/12/00 13:18:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Valley/4350
My Email:bobyorks@mail.com

Ceridwen, I just want to congratulate you on a great website. I especially like the "Recollections of Early Days" by Mrs Clara Edith Caulkins. It's too bad that more families don't have, or haven't saved such memories. Bob

Cher - 05/26/00 02:54:27
My Email:spdchief@cam-walnet.com

Yes I am on line!!!! You did a great job on the home page. Thanks.

Ceridwen - 05/21/00 04:32:49
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/3579/
My Email:ceridwennight@hotmail.com

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