Last Updated: 14 October 2003
Scarpe's Submission Database
This database includes not only submissions currently in process,
but also items submitted in the past (running back several
years). It does NOT include items recently received by my office
for processing. Submitters should allow 2-3 months for their
submissions to appear in his database (anyone who has submitted
in the past two or three months should have received a
confirmation post card from me anyway -- no postcard means I did
not get your submission). Or you can check my receipt list here.
Kingdom Heraldry Letters
The MK Heraldry Letter archive, located on Geocities, contains
current and past ILoIs and ILoARs. Once a month, I take all the
submissions I have recieved and put them together in an Internal
Letter of Intent (ILoI). ILoIs (from 10/97 onwards) are
available on-line at the archive. The LoIs are commented on by
kingdom commenters and, on the basis of those comments and
additional research, the Rouge Scarpe Herald makes a decision
about whether to send the submission out-of-kingdom. His
decisions (pro and con) are reported on his Internal Letter of
Acceptance and Return (ILoAR). ILoARs (from 4/98 onwards) are
available on-line at the archive.
How to Submit Names and Devices
A complete device or badge submission should include the following:
A single check may be written out for multiple items (e.g., name and device on one check, etc.).
Official SCA branches (Shires, Cantons, Baronies, Principalities, etc.) do NOT pay for their group name or device submission but still must enclose the appropriate paperwork (note: branches use a different name form than people do -- although the device and badge forms are the same). However, they must pay for other submissions (order names, badges, etc.).
Questions? Drop me a line at
Submissions are required to be processed in a timely manner but they still take a long time to process. In the interest of serving you better, I will explain the various steps a submission must go through.
Submissions are processed as received (starting in November 1997, I have sent out a confirmation postcards -- if you have not gotten yours, drop me a note) and collected together once a month in an Internal Letter of Intent (ILoI). The Middle's ILoI goes out in mid month for the previous month's submissions (i.e., March 15th's ILoI covers submissions received in February). Commentators of the Middle Kingdom's College of Arms are given a little over a month to comment on this ILoI (i.e., the comments of March 15th's ILoI are due at Rouge Scarpe's office by April 25th).
Usually within a month from the deadline, Rouge Scarpe looks over the comments and the submissions and decides which ones will be sent forward and which will be returned at the kingdom level. The decisions are published as an Internal Letter of Acceptance and Return (ILoAR). The submitters whose articles have been rejected will be informed within the next two months of the rejection. Submissions which are to be sent forward are placed on the kingdom's monthly External Letter of Intent (ELoI) and sent to the Laurel College of Arms (interkingdom).
Laurel allows four months for commentary before the ELoI will be considered for decisions (i.e., a ELoI sent out in late April will be considered at the August Laurel Meeting). Decisions of Laurel Meetings are made available to members of the Laurel College and Principal Heralds within a few weeks of the meeting in the form of a Letter of Acceptances and Returns (LoAR).
When Dragon receives the LoAR, she sends the summary of the acceptances and rejections to the editor of the Pale and the editor publishes it in the next available issue. Due to the one month lead time required by the Pale, however, it can often take two or more months from the release of the LoAR before the official notification is made in the Pale. Official notification is also made by the Opinicus Herald to the client directly explaining the reasons for the return (if applicable) or congratulating them on the successful registration. Unofficial announcement is made on the Middlebridge and a variety of other sources.
Questions? Drop me a line at
Disclaimer: This page is not officially sanctioned by the SCA, Inc., the Middle Kingdom, or the College of Arms. It is a private project of the Escutcheon Herald (Ana Linch) who has based the information published here on publicly- available documentation.