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In this section I plan to put articles, editorials, general opinions, insights, stories, experiences, spell workings, plans for holidays, rituals, awakenings, or anything else you have floating around in your head. If you would like contribute to this page, e-mail me your works of art. You will, of course, receive full credit for your pieces and you will be part of the enlightenment of your fellow pagans and possibly non-pagans as well.
Love and Light,

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Growing Up Different In Cumberland, Kentucky. This is a story I wrote about how it feels to be different than the "norm" in Kentucky as a child.

An editorial on religious recruitment. This is an editorial I wrote on relious recruitment among the Christian community. It may be offensive to some, but it was not written to be. It tells of a real problem and some fake solutions. If you have some real solutions, please e-mail it to me with "recruitment solution" in the subject line.

Rune articles by Jordsvin. These articles are very informative and insightful.

Follow Witch Carridwyn on her Quest by clicking on the symbol below.
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