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There are three sections to this page. The first is resources, which consists of places to learn, organizations that offer legal help for pagans, and places with a large number of links to find out the facts about paganism. The second section is a list of Kentucky pagans and coven homepages. The last section consist of pages from around the world that are excellant sources.

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The Witch's Voice

Arachne's Web: Pagan/Wiccan Links

Church Of All Worlds

Witch's Brew

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Crystal Wolf Coven (Lexington, KY)

Circle Of the Rain Dance (Louisville, KY)

Witch Carridwyn's Cauldron

Path of the Personal Divine Ministries (Lexington, Ky)

The Pagan Forum of Kentucky

Rainbow Wind (Lexington, KY)

Hammerstead Kindred (Lexington, KY)

Coven of the Rose Wind

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Efnet's #witch

Efnet's #wicca

Pagan Community Council of Ohio

Satyr's homepage. Satyr is a guy I met on Efnet's #witch. He asked me to add a link to his page. He lives in Australia (he is part of the beyond).

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