![]() ![]() We, my sisters and brothers, must fling open the doors to our broom closets and let ourselves be seen. We must also be heard in one loud proud resounding voice that says, "We are pagan. We are the voice of our ancesters. We are not evil!" We must network and find like minds to help in our quests for knowledge, truth, and freedom. Add your name to the list now. ![]() Veiwer Feedback: Would find it easier if I organized the Silver Pagan Listings by location and placed them on seperate pages? E-mail me and tell me what you think. ![]() Magikal Name: Silvera NiteSky Real Name: Jamie URL: Sweet Dreams Are Made Of Me E-mail Adress: miss_world_@hotmail.com Birthdate/Sign: November 24, 1977/Sagittarius Location: Louisville, Kentucky Tradition: Eclectic with a slight leaning toward Celtic Coven: Circle Of the Rain Dance (C.O.R.D.) Favorite Outdoor Place: any wooded area Favorite Sabbot: Samhain...what other one is there? ;) Spirit Animals: Polar Bear, Hawk, Penguin Goddess/God You Relate to most: Brigid Quote: "Follow your bliss..." -Joseph Campbell Magikal Name: Witch Carridwyn Real Name: URL: Witch Carridwyn's Cauldron E-mail Adress: carridwyn@geocities.com Birthdate/Sign: 1965/Aquarius Location: Louisville, Kentucky Tradition: Ecletic Coven: Circle Of the Rain Dance (C.O.R.D) Favorite Outdoor Place: Cumberland Falls Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: Owl, Wolf Goddess/God You Relate to most: Ceridwen Quote: "If you cannot find what you seek within, you will never find it without." Magikal Name: Sulwyn Moonwater Real Name: URL: Circle Of the Rain Dance (C.O.R.D) E-mail Adress: pagancoven@geocities.com Birthdate/Sign: 1972/Pisces Location: Louisville, Kentucky Tradition: Ecletic Coven: Circle Of the Rain Dance Favorite Outdoor Place: On a mountain Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: All birds Goddess/God You Relate to most: Cernunnos Quote: "Witch, Heal Thyself." Magikal Name: Real Name: Shawn URL: E-mail Adress:wolf1@foothills.net or SirRedWolf@aol.com Birthdate/Sign: 6/10/78-Gemini-Male Location: Paintsville, Ky Tradition: Eclectic Pagan-Wiccan Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: Favorite Sabbot: Other Spirit Animals: Wolf, Eagle, Raven, Horse, Bear, Serpent, Monitor, Lizards, Dragon, Coyote, and Iguana. Goddess/God You Relate to most: Germanic, Celtic, Egyptian, and Native American dieties...no particular preferance. Quote: "Mankind fears not some imaginary Devil, what Mankind fears, is the Devil within it's own self." Comments: Looking for Pagan connections...very hard time getting established in my beliefs...need someone to talk to Magikal Name: Bradwell Real Name: William Lawson URL: E-mail Adress: Bradwell@webtv.net Birthdate/Sign: 05-07-60 Taurus Location: I live in Eastern Kentucky in Menifee Co Tradition: Wicca Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: Favorite Sabbot: Bealtaine Spirit Animals: Owl, Groundhog, Bear, Snake Goddess/God You Relate to most:The Goddess of Wisdom, Truth, and Knowledge. Quote: ) May the temple of the Goddess be in your heart, and may the Goddess dwell in her temple. Magikal Name: The Hunter Real Name: Dean Fields URL: E-mail Adress: Birthdate/Sign: 11-17-70/Scorpio Location: Denniston KY, in Menifee CO. Tradition: Cermonial Magick Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: Favorite Sabbot: Other Spirit Animals: Wolf, Dragon. Goddess/God You Relate to most: Quote: Knowledge is power but power without control is nothing. Magikal Name: Real Name: Thomas URL: E-mail Adress: rryman@geocities.com Birthdate/Sign: 10-7-66 Location: Stanton, Ky(powell) Tradition: Dianist Wicca--celtic leanings Coven: Solitary Favorite Outdoor Place: Tunnel Ridge Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: dog Goddess/God You Relate to most: Cernunnos Quote: Being intelligent is not a crime, but in most countries it's at least a misdeamenor.--B. Franklin Magikal Name: MoonShadow Real Name: URL: http://www.aye.net/~moonshad E-mail Adress: moonshad@aye.net Birthdate/Sign: 08/06/74 Taurus Location: Louisville, Kentucky Tradition: Wiccan with a healthy smathering of Aborigional-American Shamanism. Coven: None-Solitary at this time. Favorite Outdoor Place: Anywhere camping. Been to Nova Scotia once, it was wonderful. Favorite Sabbot: Other Spirit Animals: Dog (primary) Goddess/God You Relate to most: Quote: There is one thing in this world that a man can have to prove that he is a fool: A chance. Comments: The above says "Solitary", but, it is not solitary directly by choice. Magikal Name: Firelove Real Name:Barbra Wolfe URL: E-mail Adress: barbwire_21@hotmail.com Birthdate/Sign: Dec 16/Sagittarius Location: western KY, outside of Evansville, IN Tradition: eclectic solitary Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: The river Favorite Sabbot: Litha(midsummer) Spirit Animals: Goddess/God You Relate to most: Quote: Magikal Name: Lyrica MoonDawn Real Name: URL: http://members.tripod.com/~lyrica_moondawn E-mail Adress: Lyrica@megsinet.net Birthdate/Sign: Scorpio 10/24/57 Location: Louisville, KY Tradition: Eclectic/Druid/Discordian Coven: Sylvan Circle Sanctuary Favorite Outdoor Place: our backyard sanctuary Favorite Sabbot: Yule Spirit Animals: Dragon, fox, turtel Goddess/God You Relate to most: Cerridwen & Herne Quote: Comments: Our circle is ecletic and we welcome visitors. Email me for more information! Magikal Name: Rhiannon SummerMoon Real Name: URL: coming soon E-mail Adress: rhiannon@ne.infi.net Birthdate/Sign: 7/23 ... Leo Location: Radcliff, KY Tradition: Eclectic Wiccan Coven: Solitary Favorite Outdoor Place: my backyard Favorite Sabbot: Yule Spirit Animals: Bear, dog Goddess/God You Relate to most: Hestia, Artemis, Apollo Quote:"So will I build my altar in the fields, And the blue sky my fretted dome shall be, And the sweet fragrance that the wild flower yields, Shall be the incense I will yield to thee." ~ Samuel Taylor Coleridge Magikal Name: Ladyseph Real Name: URL: E-mail Adress: williamc@tgtel.com Birthdate/Sign:leo with gemini rising Location: Garrett ky Tradition: ecclectic Coven: Crystal Cauldron Favorite Outdoor Place: Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: hawk Goddess/God You Relate to most: freya and odin Quote: Comments: Trying to start group in my area and weave the web Magikal Name: Hawk Real Name: Peter URL: http://home1.gte.net/hawkk/index.html E-mail Adress: hawkk@gte.net Birthdate/Sign: Location: Lexington,Kentucky Tradition: Hekite=hecate wicca Coven: Crystal Wolf Coven Favorite Outdoor Place: THE WOODS Favorite Sabbot: Bealtaine Spirit Animals: Hawk Goddess/God You Relate to most: Hecate Quote: Magikal Name: Autumn Rain Storm Real Name: URL: E-mail Adress: AutumnRainStorm@yahoo.com Birthdate/Sign:3/12/56 Location: Hindman Tradition: Eclectic Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: wooded area Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: Goddess/God You Relate to most: Quote: Magikal Name: Real Name: Silver Moonfire URL: /athens/delphi/2140 E-mail Adress: silvermoonfire@hotmail.com Birthdate/Sign: July 22, Cancer/Leo Cusp... (Contradiction in terms) *laughs Location: 15 Miles from Lexington Tradition: Eclectic Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: I am most comfortable near the ocean... though, anywhere outside during a thunderstorm is nice as well.. Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: I am closest to cats.. But a dragon is my spirit Goddess/God You Relate to most: Athena Quote: One of my favorite sayings... "Smile, it increases your Face Value" and..."That which does not kill us, makes us stronger" Comments: I am 23 and looking for people to talk to and learn from... I have been studying for a little over a year, and am willing and wanting to learn all a I can... Open to meeting new people... Please feel free to write!!! Magikal Name: Brigit Lepidolite Real Name:Kate-Lena Bergen URL: E-mail Adress: Galaxyblis@aol.com Birthdate/Sign: 2/7/81, very Aquarius Location: Westchester Co., NY Tradition: Eclectic, leaning most closely towards Celtic Coven: Solitary Practitioner Favorite Outdoor Place: Silver Lake on the rocks and Cliffs... Or anywhere near the ocean... Favorite Sabbot: Litha (midsummer) Spirit Animals: Dragonfly & Hummingbird Goddess/God You Relate to most: Brigit or Dana Quote: "Even in the face of pain that seems unbearable. Even in the face of pain that wrings the last drop of blood out of your heart and leaves its scrimshaw tracery on the inside of your skull, life goes on. And pain grows dull and begins to fade." Magikal Name: Janedear Real Name: Patti URL: http://www.freeyellow.com/members3/janedear/index.html E-mail Adress: patti@earthdome.com Birthdate/Sign: taurus Location: Louisville/Bardstown Tradition: Eclectic/Celtic/Gardnerian/but mostly my own Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: the forest by a clear stream Favorite Sabbot: Yule Spirit Animals: Dragon/bear/duck Goddess/God You Relate to most: the Lady in her many guises Quote: Magikal Name: TX Dragon Real Name: Barbara Burns URL: E-mail Adress: txdragon@hotmail.com Birthdate/Sign: 8/20/51 - Leo Location: Houston, TX Tradition: Ancient Witch Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: Galveston, TX beach Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: Dragons, Dogs Goddess/God You Relate to most: Eris Quote: The light at the end of the tunnel may be an oncoming dragon. Comments: I'm sort-of semi-non-practicing RC, and sort-of Paganish-Druidish, Pantheistic with Erisian Tendencies - sort-of Ancient Witch {Hedge or Kitchen?} type, and very psychic whether I want to be or not. Magikal Name: Lady Garnet Real Name: Andrea Ullberg URL: http://www.veils-crossing.com E-mail Adress: garnet@veils-crossing.com Birthdate/Sign: 1-25/Aquarius Location: Owensboro, KY Tradition: Wiccan Ecclecitc Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: Cats Goddess/God You Relate to most: Quote: Looking for others with like practices to share thoughts and ideas in Kentucky and throughout the world. Magikal Name: Crimson Real Name: URL: http://www.siscom.net/~cr1mson E-mail Adress: cr1mson@siscom.net Birthdate/Sign: May 8th taurus Location: Ohio Tradition: Pagan Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: woods, creeks Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: dragon,wolf,cat Goddess/God You Relate to most: Quote: An it harm ye none, do what ye will! Blessed Be to all! Comments: I am looking for other pagans/wiccans to converse with via email, if you are in ohio, please drop me a line, perhaps we can get together for rituals! Blessings to you! Magikal Name: Lady Lilly Real Name: URL: E-mail Adress: Auria16@hotmail.com Birthdate/Sign: 05-13-79/Taurus Location: Bedford Tx Tradition: Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: Hawkwood Midevil Fantasy Fair Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: Wolf,Moutain Lions,Leopard,Falcon Goddess/God You Relate to most: Ariel/Athena Quote: Be true to yourself and others Comments: Magikal Name: Pheonia MoonFyre Real Name: Betty Maillet-Crutcher URL: E-mail Adress: p_moonfyre@hotmail.com Birthdate/Sign: 4/27/70 Taurus Location: Louisville Tradition: Discordian Coven: Silver Sylvan Circle Favorite Outdoor Place: Iriquoise Park Favorite Sabbot: Litha(midsummer) Spirit Animals: Black Panther Goddess/God You Relate to most: Diane Quote: The Goddess is watching over me always. Comments: Magikal Name: yvonne Real Name: yvonne hinojosa URL: E-mail Adress: Birthdate/Sign: 4-21-69 taraus Location: Tradition: new witch Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: by water Favorite Sabbot: Spirit Animals: cats Goddess/God You Relate to most: Quote: I would very much like to spead with someone. I am studying on my own and have no idea who I may talk to. I do have a friend I call from time to time but I feel I mat be bugging with so many questions. Comments: Magikal Name: Joseuph Real Name: URL: E-mail Adress: BugTruck@aol.com Birthdate/Sign: 4/12/59 Aries Location: Louisville KY Tradition: Solitary Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: Favorite Sabbot: Litha(midsummer) Spirit Animals: Goddess/God You Relate to most: Diana/Pan Quote: Comments: Magikal Name: Skye Earthwatcher Real Name: Jon Hunt URL: E-mail Adress: scarletmage@hotmail.com Birthdate/Sign: September 12/Virgo Location: Madisonville, KY Tradition: Ecletic Coven: none...yet Favorite Outdoor Place: the forest Favorite Sabbot: Other Spirit Animals: Goddess/God You Relate to most: Quote: "Be the change you expect" Comments: I am a solitary ecletic Wiccan in Western KY looking for others of like path in my area to learn from and possibly form a coven. Bright Blessings. Magikal Name: Shawn Real Name: URL: E-mail Adress: peryv_Caledvwlch@hotmail.com Birthdate/Sign: 6/10/78-Gemini Location: Morehead, Ky Tradition: Asatru and Druidism Coven: Favorite Outdoor Place: Forests and Cliffs Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: wolf, eagle, raven, horse, serpent, dragon, coyote, goat, dog, dolphins, and otters Goddess/God You Relate to most: Odhin, Thorr, Loki, Tyr, Freyr, Freyja, Heimdallr, Nerthus, Sol, Dagda, Cernunnos, Morrigan, Cerridwyn, Brigit, Saga, Bragi, and Bran. Quote: Comments: Magikal Name: Aeriel Real Name: Angel URL: http://www.myfreeoffice.com/familiarspirits E-mail Adress: aeriel@collegeclub.com Birthdate/Sign: Gemini Location: KY Tradition: Solitary Coven: none Favorite Outdoor Place: mountains Favorite Sabbot: Samhain Spirit Animals: tiger, wolf Goddess/God You Relate to most: personal Quote: hello, my fiance and I are looking for someone to perform our wedding ceremony. If you have infomration or just want to chat, please contact me. Comments: ![]() ![]() © Silvera NiteSky Get your own free web space at Geocities. |