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This is just the beginning of this section. Eventually it will have on-line shops *and* local Kentucky shops where you will be able to find tools, herbs, essential oils, books, supplies, clothing, and various other things. Thank you for your patronage. If you know of any shops on-line or off where supplies are available, please e-mail me.
Love and Light,

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Witch Carridwyn's Pagan Music Store

Witch Carridwyn's Pagan Book Store

Equinox Books and Occult Suplies

The Candle Lady

Crescent Moon Goddess

Desert Silver

Ancient Treasures (Egyptian Statues)

Llewellyn Books


Tarot Cards

Ritual Hut

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Neighborhood Shops

Shelbyville, Ky

Moonbeams and Angels' Wings

Items carried: Celtic and Native American jewelry, candles, incense, Wiccan tools, stones, oils, some books and music, herbs, dreamcatchers, hemp jewelry and new things every day.

Directions:located right off I-64, Exit 35 in Shelbyville. Go .6 mile from the exit towards town. Moonbeams and Angels' Wings the blue building behind Plantation Inn which is on the left. If you get lost just ask the locals for Plantation Inn.

Special note: Many of our items are made by Pagans in the Ky. Moonbeams and Angels' Wings also offers workshops, ongoing meditation classes and is forming a Circle in the near future

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