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For as long as I can remember I have written poetry. Pouring your soul onto a piece of paper isn't easy, especially if later on people will get to read it and make criticisms of it, but sometimes we are so inspired that our soul melds with the paper and our words sing without music. This is true art. Very few have it, but those who do inspire the stars to shine and the birds to sing. If you have the talent you would like to share, please e-mail me your poem and share your gift. You will, of course, get full credit and I will be ever so happy to see it in my cyber mail box.

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The Awakening
By Shawn

Celtic winds blow me away
Away to the lands of old
Ancient voices call me away
Away from the shckles
Of Christian ideology

Pagan ancestors stream in my blood
Blood of the proud
Blood of the strong
Blood of the Ancient Mysteries
Rising above old patriarchy

Come with me my dear child
Join thy Wiccan friends
The old ways of the Pagan world
Call for freedom and notice
Come...Awake beside me

I shall lite the candles for many to see
Earth, Air, Fire, Water...
Spirits call out to thee
In the Goddess' embrace and the God's light
Love is the only Law dear child

Harm none is what I say
And love under will
In the light of the moon
Dancing in the forests
I shall come and croon

Thy Goddess bless
Thy God shall guide
With ancient love always
I've lit my candles 5 so bright
Come meet me now lupinely

So with this now I let you go
Find your own path honestly
But if you choose to walk with me
No oppression will there be
Only Freedom and Love.....Always

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