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Awards offered by Silver Theads to outstanding web sites.

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What is this award?

Silver Threads Caldron of Knowledge is an award for outstanding sites on the web. Anyone can win this award for their web page. YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE IN KENTUCKY!

How do I obtain this award.

1. Have a site that is a real credit to the pagan community. This site can contain graphics, music, information, or anything else that might help other pagans.
2. Site award can be recieved by anyone who has a webpage (inside or outside) Kentucky.
3. No page containing pornographic and/or offensive material can get this award.
4. E-mail your name (real or magickal), e-mail address, URL of your page or the site you are nominating, a brief description of the page contents, and the reason you think the site you are nominating deserves the Silver Threads Caldron of Knowledge.

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What is this award?

Silver Threads Kentucky Pagan Silver Moon Award is an award for Kentucky pagan web sites that stand out from the croud. It is offered ONLY to Kentucky pagan websites.

How do I obtain this award?

1. Have a Kentucky pagan web site that is a real credit to the pagan community. This site can contain graphics, music, information, or anything else that might help other pagans.
2. Site award can be recieved by any Kentucky pagan who has a webpage.
3. No page containing pornographic and/or offensive material can get this award.
4. E-mail your name (real or magickal), e-mail address, URL of your page or the site you are nominating, a brief description of the page contents, and the reason you think the site you are nominating deserves the Silver Threads Kentucky Pagan Silver Moon Award.

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What is this award?

Silver Threads Pagan Service Award is the last of the Triple Crown awards. It is given to the web sites that have had a tremendous effect on the pagan community by providing their services. Also given to indivuals who have done other services outside that of community services via web page (ie: mailing lists, running a pagan chat, etc). However these people must have a web page on which to place their award. ANY PAGAN SITE CAN GET THIS AWARD!

How do I obtain this award?

1. Have a web site or other service that is a real credit to the pagan community.
2. Site award can be recieved by any ANY pagan who has a webpage.
3. No page containing pornographic and/or offensive material can get this award.
4. E-mail your name (real or magickal), e-mail address, URL of your page or the site you are nominating, a brief description of the page contents or service provided, and the reason you think the site you are nominating deserves the Silver Threads Pagan Service Award.

If your site gets all three awards, it will be added to Silver Threads Hall of Fame which will be placed off the main page and on the links page. Good Luck!

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Since this is a new award, there have been no winners as of yet. When there is, an individual page will be made for them.

I would like to thank Witch Carridwyn for sitting at a computer for hours and making these awards for me as I screamed, "I DON'T LIKE THAT!" Then she would backtrack and redo everything. Thanks Sis!

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© Silvera NiteSky

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