Sex in the Voynich Manuscript
Parts of the Voynich Manuscript have been referred to as "the biological pages" because their
illustrations are reminiscent of fantastic anatomical drawings, which make me think of
Salvador Dali's soft, vaguely obscene, dribbling, dripping blobs, gently melting away
on top of chests of drawers, or skewered on wooden forks. The illustrations of the
"biological pages" of the Voynich Manuscript resemble "soft" plumbing diagrams,
bathtubs, pools, showers, connected by organic-looking pipes, in which (here comes
the sex bit)... in which naked nymphs frolick about. Particularly this one:
Does that ring a bell? No? Turn her 90 degrees counter-clockwise:
What is that? Until the accompanying text has been deciphered we cannot be sure, but it
looks very much like a diagram to accompany an explanation of erections.
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