
Who is Metalleus?

I don't know. I suspect it is someone by the name of Miner, with a first name starting with K, who once was at the linguistics department of the university of Kansas. For when I collected Metalleus's writings from the sci.lang newsgroup in 1992, those posts all emanated from, and one of them had a comment signed K.M. Rumour has it that that K stands for Kenneth. Yet, an AltaVista search on "Kenneth Miner" yields only a handful of documents, none of which has to do with Metalleus.

Miner, mining, metal... that is the basis for my guess.

The works of Metalleus, as collected and edited to-date by 4oqpcc89 (a.k.a. qoteedy):

  1. How to make a linguistic theory
  2. Moundsbar connections
  3. Topicalization in Moundsbar
  4. The Informant
  5. The Derivation of Moses from Middletown
  6. Parable of Two Kingdoms

Amazingly, an AltaVista search returned only one, yes, one single site where with the works of Metalleus, a 35K plain-text file:

Definitely a new endangered species.

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