Who is Metalleus?
I don't know. I suspect it is someone by the name of Miner, with a first
name starting with K, who once was at the linguistics department of the
university of Kansas. For when I collected Metalleus's writings
from the sci.lang newsgroup in 1992, those posts all emanated from
miner@kuhub.cc.ukans.edu, and one of them had a comment signed K.M.
Rumour has it that that K stands for Kenneth. Yet,
an AltaVista search on "Kenneth Miner" yields only a handful
of documents, none of which has to do with Metalleus.
Miner, mining, metal... that is the basis for my guess.
The works of Metalleus, as collected and edited to-date by
4oqpcc89 (a.k.a. qoteedy):
- How to make a linguistic theory
- Moundsbar connections
- Topicalization in Moundsbar
- The Informant
- The Derivation of Moses from Middletown
- Parable of Two Kingdoms
Amazingly, an AltaVista search returned only one, yes, one single
site where with the works of Metalleus, a 35K plain-text file:
Definitely a new endangered species.
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