If I am in that situation, tell me what the hack is my purpose of existence then? And with the reference to all the above questions that I mentioned earlier could anyone enlighten me?
I believe too much discussion proving one right or wrong from quotes of books and scriptures. Assume if we do not have any books or scriptures neither wise men and prophets, could anyone explain what is the TRUTH then.
If you intend to help me and clear my thoughts, please do not use any quotation of any scriptures in the discussion. Assume we have nothing, but clothes only with reasons and basic human logic.
Who were the "Yahad"and the "Essene"? How were they related? Were they the same people who lived in the Khirbet Qumran? What relation did they have over the DSS?
1) The Theory
2) Yahad
3) Qumran Site
4) Yahad Duties
5) The Accusation
6) The Essene
7) Qumran Destruction
8>The Burial
My Theory
YAHAD: The Yahad were the group of Rabbis and Levis , breakaway from the main stream Jewish priesthood of Jeruselam. They were the original descendant of Aaron and David , custodian of the holy scriptures and the holy of holies. The Temple were totally overuled by people who claimed priesthood not through the jewish traditions . The Temple priests were actually appointed by Herod . They bow to the command of the king and wishes of the Romans. The temple was corrupted and the management abused the law of the books.They kept the truth away from the masses and cover the truth with falsehood they designed. These were done by professional "scripture correctors" paid to misappropriate events and the people mentioned in the holy scriptures. All done with the wicked intention of control and politics. The Yahad opposed the moved, left the Temple with the uncorrupted books and scriptures into the wilderness.
SITE: The Qumran area before, were already well known among the holy priests for the caves surround. The site was known to provide good meditation and solitude for the holies. The resort for the holies to be alone with God. The Qumran were originally (possible) an abandon military post . The Yahad left Jeruselam and used the Qumran as their new center of studies and library to further propagate their ideas and maintaining the jewish belief and tradition. A very strategic location for the Yahad and also the only place that they can make with without much construction .The Qumran then established as the immediate centre of recruitment for those who knew the TRUTH and determined to maintain them. The Qumran library were made up of all the newer and older scriptures smuggled out from the temples. As the number of the members increased, the Qumran then established as the Yahad community abide with certain rules and tradition to be one. The leader of the the community was known as the "Teacher of Righteousness". The possible known people that ever hold that title were, Zachariah the father of John the baptist, Elias the prophet, John the Baptist and Jesus( Esa) the messiah. The leaders must belong to the blood lineage of the previous prophets. The main activities that center the Qumran community were memorizing holy scriptures, copying and distributing the scriptures and study the teaching of the teachers. Some of the priests dedicated their life fully for that purpose and some were married . The families still lived in the cities. The members mostly left their family behind temporily, for a duration of studies and return after completion but some brought their families along and camped nearby. They lived on contribution offered and the harvest of their plantation.
Duties: After completion of studies, the members would then mingle among the city people and propagate their belief . They challenges the priests who claimed they were from the pharisees and saducees branch. They held debates with the priests regarding spiritual and traditions in public. The members were always the nuisance of the Jeruselam temple . The greatest impact had on the city community , by the Yahad group were John the baptist and Jesus( Essa). After John was executed by Herod , Jesus(Essa) took over the reign as the Teacher of Righteousness. Jesus(Essa) was also appointed by God not only as a teacher and prophet but also the messiah. The situation was rather choatic as Jesus performed miracles, brought new covenants and a new revelation book known as the Word or Evangel (Gospel).The book contained the word of God through Jesus, recorded by the Yahad and kept as the "Saying of the Teacher of Righteousness". There were great minds clashes between the temple chief priest( the wicked priest)and Jesus and everytime the temple priests were crushed and humiliated.
Accusation: The population of the Jesus followers increased which then threaten the very power and control of the temple over the city .The follower were mostly from the poor and the abused. The priests implanted a person as Jesus follower to find areas where they would used to frame Jesus. They twisted the teaching of Jesus and accused him of falsehood. They spread lies such as Jesus being the bastard of Mary and Joseph. And a false prophet who twisted the religion of moses and brought disharmony to the city. They brought the matter up to the Romans and then judged him as the betrayer of the jewish community and a false prophet.The christian believed that Jesus died on the cross and live again after three days and then taken up , whereas the muslim believed he did not die and was taken up and the Jews believed, he was a false prophet or did not exist at all, a myth. Those who followed Jesus teaching were labeled apostate and executed by the temple committees.
ESSENE: Most of the followers went into hiding and some maintained Jesus teaching and practices back in Qumran. The people who followed Jesus teaching and practices were then called the Essene, the followers of Essa( Jesus in arabic).They were the pioneers of christianity. The persecution of the Essene continued even after a few years after the ascension of Jesus. One of the most famous persecutor was from the pharisee branch named Saul later known as Paul when he "converted" to christianity. Actually , the conversion of Saul never took place, since the Essene still practices the religion of Moses. To be a christian was to acknowledge that Jesus was the messiah prophesised by the early prophets and believed that they hold the true scriptures and practices, those in the temple were unacceptable and void. The teaching of Jesus were spread by his followers and branches of christianity emerged. Each branch used their own version of gospels copied from the memories of their leaders who were taught by the Teacher himself. These uprisals brought unhappiness to the Temple priests. So they plotted again. They implanted a person into the christian core group with the intent to completely destroy the group and the scriptures, affirm the temple accusation against Jesus and make christianity a new religion and out of the jewish land. Saul claimed he met Jesus in his vision and that changed his way. The Essene were reluctant to accept him into the circle except Barnabas. Paul was the one who brought the concept of Jesus divinity the son and father equal. This belief was totally alien to the jews.He stopped circumcision, the covenant which were passed on since Abraham for all believers. He stopped the tradition of the "Korban", as Jesus had sacrifice himself for mankind. Thus a new religion was formed. But on the other hand , Qumran still hold the library of scriptures and the community were still strong and straight. Qumran must be destroyed completely.
Destruction: If the Romans destroy the Qumran, it would not reflect any bad light to the Temple. So the priest used the Romans , giving false allegation of the stature of the Qumran community as rebels. The Essene knew of the intentions. They were forewarned by their late leaders of the cruel intention of the Temple priest. Only within the most trusted circle , a plan were laid to hide all the scriptures in the library including the documents and deeds. A master scroll was scribed made in metal so as not to be easily tarnished or damaged through time, witholding the whereabouts , and the exact locations of the most important scrolls hidden. Appointed members were then dispatched to the designated location with the allocated scriptures. The members involved were all sworn to secrecy of the hidden treasure of knowledge. Once hidden, the scriptures should not be revealed until the time decided by God. The Romans entered the Qumran site without any resistance. The Essene were ready for the consequences, they were slaughtered mercilessly.No one was alive when the Romans left the site, including women and children. The conquest somehow had sown a mistrust of the Romans against the Jews .The Romans felt they were made used of or cheated, as they could not locate any scriptures or treasure as claimed by the Jews . They found that the information about the Qumran community were totally untrue. Suspicion of the Jews motives were then carried over to Rome. They decided to invade the jewish land completely and destroy the temple.
BURIAL:Some of the Essene members who returned from the secret missions were totally despaired by the outcome. They knew that the prophecies that would befall onto the jewish people would come true. The Temple had totally wiped out the descendant of Aaron and David and rejected God's covenant. The members then buried the remains of the Qumran community near to the site since the site would not provide any purpose , the site was then abandoned.
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