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Kėtė faqe e kam krijuar me ndihmėn e Ermal dhe Pleurat Dreshaj ne veren e vitit 1997. Tani perkunder obligimeve tjera, duke kuptuar rendesine e Internet-it kam vendosur qe te filloj punen drejt rindertimit te kesaj faqe ne te cilen do te shprehi mendimet dhe ideologjine time. Lidhjet tė cilat i gjeni kėtu ju lus t'i pėrdorni pėr ēeshtje akademike dhe tė ngritjės personale. Disa nga kėto lidhje nuk paraqesin mendimet e mija mirpo meritojnė tė lexohen, prandaj mbajeni mendjėn e hapur se ndoshta do tė mėsoni diēka.

I created my home page with help from Ermal and Pleurat Dreshaj during the summer of 1997. Despite my busy schedule, realizing the importance of the Internet, I have decided to begin updating this page in which I will express my thoughts and ideology. The links you find here are for academic use and personal growth. Some of the links do not represent my views however they are worthy of exploring, so take your time and expand your vista.


My Hobbies and Interests

My Personal Background

My Photo Album

My Professional Information

Links to learn more about Albanians and their lands:

Hymni i Flamurit

Albanian news links:

Various philosophy and literature links:

The Garden (includes Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Nietzsche, and more)
Faust, by Goethe (in German)
Faust, by Goethe (in English) "Man errs as long as he doth strive" -The Lord.
The Prespectives of Nietzsche
Nietzsche Page at USC
Kant Link
Spinoza-The Father of Modern Pantheism
David Hume
Herman Hesse
Literature (Includes Goethe, Robert Frost, and others)

When Socrates said "Life unexplored is not worth living," he did not mean that everyone should experience everything. Many people do not experiment with drugs, perhaps that is the best way. Some however do, out of couriosity or to ease the pain of life. Which is the best way I do not know, but to ban one for the other only directs the courious human nature toward the forbidden. Socrates' wisdom was indeed great, and everyone should strive for part of what he achieved.

Educational Links:

Oklahoma Medical Research FoundationOklahoma Medical Research FoundationOklahoma Medical Research Foundation

University of Oklahoma Health Sciences CenterUniversity of Oklahoma Health Sciences CenterUniversity of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Weapons Links:

The following links contain information about different types of weapons. Let me be clear on one thing before you proceed, I do not condone violence , under any circumstances.

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Last updated on May 16, 2000 by Visar Belegu