Kenneth W. Ng, Ph.D.





Summary of teaching experience:


·        Taught Courses including Computer Information System, Introduction to Database Systems, C++ Programming Language


·        Communicated students from different cultural background


·        Instructor at Pasadena City College, California


·        Teaching Assistant at Computer Science Department, UCLA



Summary of Industrial experience:


·        Serving as a key computer software developer in all scale companies including start-up and enterprises for more than 15 years. 


·        Participating research and development of software systems including IBM DB2 UDB, NetIQ AppManager for computer networking administration, UCLA/JPL joint project OASIS-Conquest scientific query processing system, in-house business/accounting application systems.


·        Keeping up cutting edge knowledge and technologies like web servers, java, C++, SQL Server as well as solid theory foundations like data structures and algorithms.





Oct. 1993 – Jun. 1999

Ph.D. in Computer Science,

University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095

Major: Database Systems

Minor: Network Modeling

Dissertation: "Dynamic Optimization of Query Execution Plans"

Sep. 1988 – Dec. 1989

M.S. in Computer Science

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA 90089

Major: Computer Software Systems

Sep. 1981 – Jul. 1985

B.S. in Computer Science and Applications

HuaQiao University, Quanzhou, Fujian, People's Republic of China




Mar. 2004 - Present

Senior Software Engineer (Product Development) / QA Lead

Symphoniq Corporation, 2450 El Camino Real, #200, Palo Alto, CA 94303

§         Developing tools for measuring web page access performance and correlation engine for the analysis of web pages and elements.

§         Design and implementing quality assurance policies, test plans and test cases for the winning product of this start-up, which monitors web servers as well as application servers from the prospective of end-users.

Mar. 2003 – Mar. 2004


Advisory Software Engineer

IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory, 555 Bailey Ave., San Jose, CA 95141

Ÿ     Research and development of advanced query optimization technologies on DB2 UDB system engine. Completed project items include:

Ψ      Query plan lock-down in XML for future optimization hints;

Ψ      Optimizer support of Xquery for XML documents.

Ÿ     Programmed with C++, SQL in IBM RISC/6000 environment.

Mar. 2000 – Mar. 2003


Staff Software Engineer/Technical Lead

NetIQ Corporation , 3553 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95134

Ÿ     Research and development of N-Tier architecture systems (AppManager, Operation Manager Report Center) for Network/Application Server Administration and Business Service Management on Windows 2000/Unix networking environment. Completed projects include:

Ψ      Pool of Perl Engines Support for AppManager Unix Agent 2.0;

Ψ      Fault Tolerance Support for AppManager Monitoring Server;

Ψ      N-Tier Architecture Data Communication Optimization;

Ψ      NetIQ AppManager 4.0 and 5.0  Repository Upgrade;

Ψ      Operation Manager Report Center Broker / Agent Architecture.

Ÿ     Programmed with C, C++, Java, SQL, ODBC on Windows 2000/Unix.

Sep. 1999 – Mar. 2000


Advisory Software Engineer

IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory, 555 Bailey Ave., San Jose, CA 95141

Ÿ     Research and development of advanced query optimization technologies on DB2 UDB system engine. Completed project items include:

Ψ      OLAP function parallelism on massively parallel processors (MPP);

Ψ      Anti-join with replicated tables on MPP and SMP environment;

Ψ      Optimizer support of Business Intelligence Features, etc.

Ÿ     Programmed with C++, SQL in IBM RISC/6000 environment.

Jul. 1996 -- Aug. 1999

Research Assistant

Computer Science Dept., UCLA, CA 90095

Ÿ     Research and development of advanced database techniques for UCLA/JPL geo-scientific query processing system CONQUEST (CONcurrent QUEries over Space and Time). Completed projects include:

Ψ      Run-time query re-optimization;

Ψ      Support of abstract data types and user-defined functions in stream processing;

Ψ      Spatial and temporal object referencing;

Ψ      Application development tools for scientists, etc.

Ÿ     Programmed with Java, C, C++, Orbix (CORBA) in Sun-Ultra workstations.

Jan. 1997 – Dec. 1997



Mathematics and Computer Information Science, Pasadena City College, CA

Ÿ     Taught college students the fundamental knowledge of computer information systems and their applications. Courses include:

Ψ      “Introduction to Computer Information Systems” .

Oct. 1995 – Jun. 1996


Teaching Assistant

Computer Science Dept., UCLA, CA 90095

Ÿ     Assisted Professors to teach undergraduate students the fundamental concepts of relational database management systems and object-oriented programming and algorithms. Courses include:

Ψ      “Introduction to Database Management Systems”;

Ψ      “Data Structure with C++”.

Jun. 1995 – Sep.1995



IBM Silicon Valley Laboratory, 555 Bailey Ave., San Jose, CA 95141

Ÿ     Modeling and developing the prototypes of advanced database technologies in DB2 database system. Completed projects include:

Ψ      Time-series data extender with user-defined data types (ADTs) and user-defined functions (UDFs);

Ψ      Support of new SQL keywords for OLAP functions.

Ÿ    Programmed with C++, C and  SQL in DB2 V2/RS6000.

Oct. 1994 – Jun. 1995


Research Assistant

Computer Science Dept., UCLA, CA 90095

Ÿ     Development of user-defined operators for geo-scientific computing applications involving computationally expensive calculations on massive datasets stored in different formats and managed by many different autonomous storage subsystems. Applications include:

Ψ      Upward propagation of wave energy;

Ψ      Cyclone Tracking, etc.

Ÿ     Programmed with C++, C, Sun-Neo (a CORBA compliant system).

Jul. 1994 -- Sep. 1994



IBM Santa Teresa Laboratory, 555 Bailey Ave., San Jose, CA 95141

Ÿ     Feature verification test of Quality Assurance for extended SQL syntax and semantics. Features include:

Ψ      Triggering mechanism;

Ψ      Support of new SQL DDL and DML keywords.

Ÿ     Programmed with C++, SQL in DB2v2/6000.

Jan. 1990 – Feb. 1994


System Engineer

Alpha Omega System Corp., 1650 S. Lewis St., Anaheim, CA 92805

Ÿ     Research and development of advanced application server systems. Completed projects include:

Ψ      Extensions of the 4GL System-Z (joint project with Zortec International, Nashville, TN);

Ψ      Developing the Interface of System-Z to Sybase and Oracle Database system (joint project with Software Center at WuHan University, PRC);

Ψ      Business Application Conversion System ( from Cobol to System-Z).

Ÿ     Leading the manufacturing and business application system analysis and design. Completed projects include:

Ψ      Security gate system for Walt Disney Corp. at Buena-Vista, CA;

Ψ      Sales order, purchasing and accounting systems for General Marble Corp. at Rancho Cucamonga, CA;

Ψ      Ordering system for Pick-up Stix Restaurant at Irvine, CA.;

Ψ      Manufacturing resource planning (MRP) and data report processing (DRP) package systems (joint project with O.D. System Ltd., U.K.).

Ÿ     Leading the business application system conversion from Wang Office System to Networked Sun-Sparc workstation and PC LAN with System-Z. Clients include:

Ψ      Collins Trading Corporation at Taipei, Taiwan;

Ψ      G2000 Co., Ltd. at Taipei, Taiwan.

Ÿ     Programmed with C, COBOL, Business Basic, CLI, CQCS and SQL in the environment of networked IBM RS6000, HP 9000, Sun-Sparc series and DG Aviion machines.

Aug. 1985 – Apr. 1988


Analyst Programmer

CTS Holding (HK) Corp., Hong Kong

Ÿ     Analysis and design of business application systems. Completed projects include:

Ψ      Accounting information system;

Ψ      Point of sales (POS) retail system;

Ψ      Purchasing system;

Ψ      Inventory system;

Ψ      Import/Export system;

Ψ      Custom Labeling system, etc.

Ÿ     Programmed with COBOL, Wang-procedure, -assembly, DbaseIII Plus, Honeywell TPS Screenwrite in the environment of Wang VS series and Honeywell DPS-6 machines.






Ÿ     K. Ng, "Parallelization of Application Domain Specific Correlation Operators", Submitted for publication.


Ÿ     K. Ng and R. R. Muntz, "Parallelizing User-Defined Functions in Distributed Object-Relational DBMS", International Database Engineering and Applications Symposium, Montreal, Canada, August 1999.


Ÿ     K. Ng, Z. Wang, R. R. Muntz and S. Nittel, "Dynamic Query Re-Optimization", The 11th International Conference on Scientific and  Statistical Database Management, Cleveland, Ohio, July 1999.


Ÿ     S. Nittel, K. Ng and R. Muntz, "Conquest: CONcurrent QUEries over Space and Time", International Workshop on Integrated Spatial Databases: Digital Images and GIS, Portland, Maine, June 1999.


Ÿ     K. Ng, Z. Wang, R. R. Muntz and E. C. Shek, "On Reconfiguring Query Execution Plans in Distributed Object-Relational DBMS", International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Tainan, Taiwan, December 1998.


Ÿ     E.C. Shek, R.R. Muntz, E. Mesrobian, and K. Ng, "Scalable Exploratory Data Mining of Distributed Geoscientific Data", The Second International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Portland, Oregon, Aug. 1996.


Ÿ     P. Stolorz, E. Mesrobian, R.R. Muntz, E.C. Shek, J.R. Santos, J. Yi, K. Ng, S.Y. Chien, H. Nakamura, C.R. Mechoso, and J.D. Farrara, "Fast Spatio-Temporal Data Mining of Large Geophysical Datasets", The First International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Aug 1995.


Ÿ     E. Mesrobian, R.R. Muntz, E.C. Shek, J.R. Santos, J. Yi, K. Ng, S.Y. Chien, C.R. Mechoso, J.D. Farrara, P. Stolorz, and H. Nakamura, "Exploratory Data Mining and Analysis Using Conquest", IEEE Pacific Rim Conference on Communications, Computers, Visualization, and Signal Processing, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, May 1995.



Technical reports:


Ÿ     K. Ng, "Pool of Perl Engines for V2 Unix Agents", Internal Technical Report, NetIQ Corporation, August 2002.


Ÿ     K. Ng, "Run-time Perl Knowledge Script Tracing (KSTrace)", Internal Technical Report, NetIQ Corporation, August 2002.


Ÿ     K. Ng, "Business Service Management Technologies Survey", Internal Technical Report, NetIQ Corporation, July 2001.


Ÿ     K. Ng, "Monitoring Server Persistent Input/Output Communication", Internal Technical Report, NetIQ Corporation, February 2001.


Ÿ     K. Ng, "AppManager 4.0 QDB (Repository) Upgrade", Internal Technical Report, NetIQ Corporation, October 2000.


Ÿ     K. Ng and Richard R. Muntz, "Optimization of User-Defined Functions in Object-Relational DBMS", Technical Report CSD-990023, Computer Science Department, UCLA, April 1999.


Ÿ     K. Ng, Zhenghao Wang and Richard R. Muntz, "Dynamic Reconfiguration of Sub-Optimal Parallel Query Execution Plans", Technical Report CSD-980033, Computer Science Department, UCLA, September 1998.


Ÿ     K. Ng and J.G. Hou, "Distributed Database Systems in Hotel Management", Technical Report, Department of Computer Science and Applications, HuaQiao University, June 1985.


Ÿ     K. Ng and J.L. Wu, "Timesharing Microprocessor System", Technical Report, Dept. of Computer Science and Applications, HuaQiao University, Apr. 1984.






Ÿ    University of California, Los Angeles, MICRO Fellowship, 1993-1994


Ÿ    University of Southern California, Engineering School Scholarship, 1989


Ÿ    HuaQiao University, Outstanding Student Scholarship, 1982/83, 1983/84, 1984/85