This is an archive of the famous "A Sher A Day" series posted on the (RMIM) newsgroup by Abhay Avachat. The archive is a connoisseurs' collection of some of the finest specimens of Urdu Poetry written by some of the most acclaimed Urdu poets. The series was extremely popular while it ran on RMIM, and, though it has stopped, Time will hopefully see a revival of the enthralling pen of Abhay Avachat soon. The articles are archived here exactly as they appeared on the newsgroup.
Also archived here is an extremely informative article by Abhay on The Definition of a Ghazal. An associated article by Ali Minai on GHazal versus Nazm and his comment on Abhay's article also make extremely interesting reading.
Abhay has taken pains to provide meanings to most of the difficult Urdu words that appear in the she'r-s he has profiled in the ASAD series. Lest you should find some confusing and obfuscating words, you can use the on-line Urdu Dictionary from Navin Kabra's homepage. Navin's homepage also has some other interesting stuff like a compendium of Ghazals of Mirza Asadullah Beg Khan 'Ghalib', and a collection of over 1000 Hindi Film Songs, besides a link to Anurag Chandra's site of the famous and priceless ITRANS Song Book. Another interesting site that you *MUST* read is Sami Mohammed's interesting Hindi Film Music Page, but please note that you'll need to use 'netscape' [only] to view it in its full splendour. Sami's page is a veritable treasure trove and contains a lot of information, including several articles from the newsgroup. You should also check out Arun Verma's Kishore Kumar Page. For the classically inclined, Kedar Naphade's Raag aur Geet series makes entertaining and enlightening reading.
In order to make this archive as widely accessible as follows, this index, and all the articles archived here, are plain ascii files, and you only need to have a simple low-calibre http browser like 'lynx' to be able to view the articles. I am assuming that a majority of people only have monochrome vt100 terminals available to them. Suggestions to restructure this page are welcome.
Would you like to contact Abhay Avachat? Click here to send him an e-mail.
Click on the to view the
contents of the ASAD Article you want to read. Click here see all the articles
concatenated together.
There is no "easy" and direct anonymous ftp-site available for the ASAD Articles: my employer does not allow me to maintain anonymous ftp sites. However, if you aren't averse to hacking around a bit, you might be helped by these hints on How to Download the ASAD Articles.
1: Mirza ASADullah KHan 'GHalib' [1]
2: "chaar_suu"
3: Express your frustration
4: Zauq: GHalib's contemporary
5: The Fate of the Shayars
6: Mir and GHalib: The Two Stalwarts
7: Pain Beyond A Point
8: Penetrating Symbolism [1]
9: Shameless and Cute!
10: Cleverly Hidden in a Metaphor
11: Ahmed Faraz: A Modern Day Shayar
12: Amir Minai: A Commonly Misquoted Shayar
13: Unlucky and Vulgar
14: Is That a Joke?
15: *Definition* of 'nazaakat'
16: The Doomsday Paradox?!
17: The Importance of the Exact Word
18: The Vagaries of Virtuousness
19: Kaifi Azmi: A Nazm Specialist
20: Length, Fluidity and Rhythm
21: Ageless Paradise?
22: Why are She'rs Beautiful?
23: Films, Shers and Plagiarism
24: Meena Kumari: A Shaa'iraa
25: GHalib and Mir: The Stalwarts Once Again
26: Mir Taqi 'Mir': Shahenshaah-e-GHazal [1]
27: Mir Taqi 'Mir': Shahenshaah-e-GHazal [2]
28: Mir Taqi 'Mir': Shahenshaah-e-GHazal [3]
29: In a Lighter Vein...
30: Sahir Ludhiyanvi
31: Allama Iqbal
32: Momin: A Shaayar par excellence [1]
33: Momin: A Shaayar par excellence [2]
34: A Sher in 'Deccani'
35: Penetrating Symbolism [2]
36: And Ruthless Realism
37: GHazals and Popularity
38: Shallow Formalities
39: Brain Drain: An NRI Special!
40: Friends and Friendship
41: A Great Way to Claim Credit!
42: Shakeel Badayuni: Three Great Shers
43: Daag Dehalvi: An Ambivalent Shaayar
44: Expressing Gratitude
45: Popular Shers
46: The Rigmarole of Saaqi, Paimaanaa and MaiKHaanaa
47: Plagiarism, once again
48: Popular, but Misquoted Shers
49: The Beautiful Expression of Pain
50: Mir Taqi 'Mir': Shahenshaah-e-GHazal [4]
51: A Bibliography: Some Reference Books
52: Faiz Ahmed 'Faiz': Pakistan's Sahir Ludhiyanvi [1]
53: Faiz Ahmed 'Faiz' [2]
54: Faiz Ahmed 'Faiz' [3]
55: Raghupati Sahai
56: Firaq Gorakhpuri [2]
57: Firaq Gorakhpuri [3]
58: Hasrat Mohani [1]
59: chupke chupke raat din: Hasrat Mohani [2]
60: The ASAD (temporary?) SignOff
61: ASAD resurrected - Malika-e-Ghazal Begum Akhtar
62: Shakeel Badayuni [2]
63: Shakeel Badayuni [3]
64: Akhir kyuu.N?
65: Radeef[1]
66: Radeef[2]
67: Radeef[3] - aahistaa aahistaa
68: aahistaa aahistaa - Wali Dakhani
69: Radeef - zaraa aahistaa chal
70: Long Radeef
71: Small Radeef
72: tumheN yaad ho, ke na yaad ho
73: More from a shaa'ir par excellence: Momin [3]
74: More from a shaa'ir par excellence: Momin [4]
75: Mirza ASADullah Khan 'Ghalib' [2]
76: Nida Fazli: A Modern Shaa'ir [1]
77: Nida Fazli: A Modern Shaa'ir [2]
78: Poverty
79: na milataa Gam to barbaadii
80: Indian Railways and Poetry?
81: Kavi Dushyant
82: Iqbal??
83: Lata sings Ghalib
84: mehendi ke haath
85: Vijaypath and Matla Plagiarism
86: saaqi ki nazar
Hope you ha(d/ve) a nice time here. Do send me a mail (click on my e-mail address below) with your comments to help me improve the layout of this page.
Many thanks are due to RMIM-ers Sami(uddin Mohammed), Arun (Verma) and
Pavan (Kumar Desikan) for reviewing the preliminary outlay of this
Page and suggesting modifications. Special acknowledgements to respected
ALUP-er Khursheed Ahmed Sahib for suggesting an interesting direction
to attack the 'ftp-site' problem. Ashutosh Pathak also suggested
another approach.
Thanks are due to Pavan also for keeping a mirror of this site active at
U.V. Ravindra