Note: I am not responsible for the content of banners appearing on my web site.
The current document, entitled "A Critique of the English Separatist Descent Theory in Baptist
Historiography," was produced as a thesis for the Master of Arts degree at Baylor University,
Waco, Texas, many years ago--back in 1966 to be exact!
At the suggestion of several friends I have elected to publish it as an Html document. I beg the
patience and indulgence of the reader relative to errors. Since I had to scan a
thirty-year-old-document, I am sure that many errors are present. And . . . after I got started, I did
this work in a hurry! Accordingly, I ask any friend who happens to find these errors, to let me
know about them. I will thankfully make the needed corrections.
Also I am sure that much more research has been published since I made this study. I would
welcome any suggestions relative to other research and discoveries which would add to or
otherwise change my work and conclusions.
As you read the document, please note the following suggestions:
- If you use either Netscape or Internet Explorer 4, you can "click on" the endnote number to go
directly to that particular note. When you "click" "back," the browser will go back to where
you were. Older versions of Internet Explorer, however, will go to the beginning of the
- Several of the pages of the original document have been scanned as image files, including
Title Page, Approval Page, Special Dedication, Table of Contents, 3 Appendixes, and the
Bibliography. Hopefully I will be able later to make the Appendixes and Bibliography as
regular Html files.
- I have tried to include enough links to enable you to move around in the document. Always go to the end of each individual document to find the various links. You can use the "ctrl end" key to reach the end. I have also
tried to link references to page numbers in the original thesis to the proper place in the Html
document. Probably I have missed some of these.
- The "meat" of the document, however, is in standard Html format.
Thank you very much for your interest. If you want to write me, please write to the following
Philip R. Bryan, Ph.D.
Jacksonville, Texas
December 1998
Go to Title Page.
Go to Approval Page.
Go to Special Recognition.
Go to Abstract.
Go to Acknowledgments.
Go to Chapter I.
Go to Chapter II.
Go to Chapter III.
Go to Chapter IV.
Go to Chapter V.
Go to Appendix A, p. 1.
Go to Appendix A, p. 2.
Go to Appendix B, p. 1.
Go to Appendix B, p. 2.
Go to Appendix B, p. 3.
Go to Appendix C, p. 1
Go to Bibliography
Go to Table of Contents, p. 1
Go to Table of Contents, p. 2