by Greg W. Parsons, Th.D.

In recent times the O. J. Simpson case has dominated our news with its courtroom proceedings.
I want to share information about another true story which rivals that case.
More than a century ago, a prominent high court official in a Middle Eastern country married a
beautiful woman who became unfaithful. Nevertheless he continued to love and provide for her
even when she had gone after other lovers. Finally this official decided to take legal action and
even (as permitted by the laws of his country) to preside as judge in the proceedings.
Reliable court records preserving the trial proceedings document that this high judge brought his
children in to testify against their mother to prove her unfaithfulness. From the little known
court transcript, I quote the words of the wronged husband and father speaking as the plaintiff:
"Children, place charges against your mother for she is no longer my wife and I am not her
husband." Then addressing the court as a whole: "Let her put away her adultery and prostitution,
lest she receive a prostitute's penalty--to be stripped naked in order to uncover her lewdness in
the very presence of her lovers. I wish I could leave her stranded in the desert to die an awful
This judge then quotes his wife's words: "I will go after my lovers who provide me food and fine
clothes and plenty of drink." Sitting on the judicial bench, he declares: "The verdict is guilty!"
Next the judge whose identity you may have guessed [namely Yahweh, the Lord God (see Hosea
2:2-10)] takes off his robe and returns to his role as plaintiff. I charge my wife with three main
offenses (Hosea 4:1): Charge # 1: She has been unfaithful--spurning all my love to run after other
men to whom she gives credit for all the tender things I have done for her. Being inflamed with
a spirit of prostitution (4:12; 5:4), she is "half-baked" (mixed up with this world's evil
system--7:8). Charge # 2: She has not been intimate with me though she has bragged to others
concerning what great intimacy we have. The truth is that she has been sleeping with others and
having numerous affairs. She doesn't know that I've seen her and have eye witnesses to prove it
(cf. 5:3; 7:1-2). She thinks no one knows. Acting more like a wild donkey than a lady (8:9), she
ran off to foreign countries in her pursuit of love. She's been a stubborn heifer (4:16). Charge #
3: She has not been loving as a wife should be. True, she always buys me a birthday card and a
Christmas gift with loving words. But I don't need words without action. She never has time for
us to talk to develop a relationship, much less time for deeper intimacy.
The Judge Yahweh declares once again: "The verdict is guilty! Let the punishment phase of this
trial begin!" He explains that the basic principle is poetic justice and talionic justice (an eye for
an eye and a tooth for a tooth--Exod. 21:23-24). Since her love is as fickle and temporary as the
morning mists and the dew (Hosea 6:4), then justice is due--namely, that she herself should only
live a short time (like the morning moisture and dew--13:3). Since she was once a beautiful vine
producing only fruit for herself (and her lovers) but never sharing with her husband (cf. Hos.
10:1), she will produce no more fruit (children)--9:11, 16. [This was considered a terrible curse.]
The specific penalties to be meted out are three in number (introduced by "therefore" 2:6, 9, 14):
Paraphrasing Judge Yahweh's words, they are as follows: (1) I will imprison her behind a wall
lined with thorn bushes to prevent her attempts to escape to her lovers. (2) Because she credits
her lovers with her provisions, I will cut off all support--no child support (cf. 2:4) nor alimony
(2:8-9). Furthermore she deserves to be stripped of the very clothes she's wearing (which I gave
her--2:9-10). Finally, (3) I am going to escort her to the desert.
The judge takes off his robe and comes to floor level to address his unfaithful wife. Later on I'm
going to take this woman on a second honeymoon! I'm going to win back her love (2:14, 16-
20). How can I treat you like any harlot or adulterer? (see Hos. 11:8-9). My heart is changed and
I cannot carry out the full punishment you deserve (namely eternal punishment and death). After
you serve time in exile, I will restore you. Honey, you will forget all the names of your illicit
partners and only have eyes for me (2:16-17). We will live together forever in true love and
faithfulness and you will learn how to be truly intimate with me only ( a millennial
honeymoon--2:18-20). Then we will blossom together as I will become like dew to you (with all
its positive invigorating qualities--14:5-6).
This court drama has great significance for our own generation. Let us not be guilty of the three
charges against Israel (cited above from Hosea 4:1). (1) We need to know the Lord
intimately--not just know about Him. It is possible to learn Bible facts without developing a
love relationship with God and His Son, Jesus Christ. We need a revival (Hos. 6:1-3) in which
we seek the Lord to know Him better and more deeply. Let us actively pursue this
relationship--in daily prayer and reading of the Word. (2) We need to be faithful--not merely in
church attendance and in offerings--but in heartfelt obedience to God's principles (6:4, 6). My
heart and yours need to be broken over sin including evil thoughts (Hos. 10:12). Let us repent
and turn back to the Lord in (3) lovingkindness (10:12; 12:6). This is demonstrated by obeying
the Lord and by maintaining justice toward our fellow man (12:6-7)
Thanks be to God that He sent Christ His Son to die that we might not serve time for our sins.
He loved us and died for us that all who trust in Him may live in a loving relationship with Him
and His Son forever. Have you repented of your sins and trusted in Christ as Savior and Lord?

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