BAPTISTS, 1900-1950
The current document, entitled "An Analysis of the Ecclesiology of Associational Baptists, 1900-1950," was produced as a dissertation for the Doctor of Philosophy degree at Baylor University, Waco, Texas, many years ago--back in 1973 to be exact!
At the suggestion of several friends I have elected to publish it as an Html document. I beg the patience and indulgence of the reader relative to errors. Since I had to scan a twenty-five-year-old-document, I am sure that many errors are present, expecially in the endnote documentation. And . . . after I got started, I did this work in a hurry! Accordingly, I ask any friend who happens to find these errors, to let me know about them. I will thankfully make the needed corrections.
Also I am sure that more research has been published since I made this study, with at least two major histories completed by both ABA and BMA historians. I would welcome any suggestions relative to other research and discoveries which would add to or otherwise change my work and conclusions.
As you read the document, please note the following suggestions:
Thank you very much for your interest. If you want to write me, please write to the following address:
Philip R. Bryan, Ph.D.
Jacksonville, Texas
December, 1999
Go to Abstract and Acknowledgements.
Go to Chapter I: Introduction".
Go to Chapter II: "Early Landmarkism: Graves, Pendleton, Dayton."
Go to Chapter III: "Later Landmarkism: Ford and Hall."
Go to Chapter IV: "Historical Survey of the Rise of the Associational Baptist Movement".
Go to Chapter V: "Landmark Tenets Reflected in Official Associational Baptist Documents."
Go to Chapter VI: "Landmark Tenets Reflected in Non-Official Associational Baptist Documents."