Welcome to my
Arts & Literature Homepage!
Profile - Science fiction, fantasy or true fact.

Activities/ Interests
- Education, literature, poetry, philosophy etc...

Entertainment Corner
- Theater, music, show business .

Book Center
- poetry, Literature.

Gaming Marquee
- The bohemian spirit in technology.

World Affairs / Issues
- Poverty, Communism, Capitalism and Realism.
GREETINGS Traveller's you have entered the Domain of Kandyman, enjoy the Ride.....
Still under Construction
, so please give constructive comments...after the tour..

Travel & Living has always been one of my favorite subjects and I've collected a lot of stuff that I think you'll be interested in. So, please take a look around and enjoy yourself. I try to add new material regularly to keep my site fresh, so check back often!

I am twenty four year old male residing currently in the United Kingdom after the completion of a hon's degree in Business Administration. I am of African disent, particularly coming from the country formally know as Somalia.
I left the country of my birth at the age of four years, going to live with members of my extended family. The subsequent result of which allowed me to travel and live in various countries on two different continents, this has invariable bestowed a greater understanding and appreciation of divergent cultures, albeit European or African.

Well Friend
that is your's truly in a nut shell, so to speak that is, i hope you take something good from your visit, please feel free to give your own inputs into making the page more interesting.
I Shall hopefully be uploading pictures of the places i have been and things that may generally be of small interest.
I have quite a few interests as my personal moto is don't knock it unless you have tryed it once.......however in saying that I truly love reading novels be it of a ficitional nature or non-fiction. I also take very seriously my development in the Martial Arts,....computers and their attatched games are another fortay on a part-time basis.

I am also a keen chess player, without hints of arrogance its an understatement to say the lest. Furthermore as mentioned earlier I truly love and at times get into convulsive fits at the prospect of travelling and meeting peoples of different cultures.
Want to get in touch with me?
Like my page?
Email me!
Book / Literature Center
Entertainment Pavillion
This is Kandyman's Morbid sense of Entertainment, rest assured its but only a glimpse, for once this page is finished......it shall not contain any semblance of sanity. But pure demonic transgresional thoughts....

Musician's - By Name...... & ......Film's - By title
This is the book corner or more abptly put in the above statement a list of those Authors I feel need mentioning for there good works.
However it must be said that it was extremely hard compiling this list for each has there own unique style albeit those mentioned and those ommited.

Initially the criteria was to be based on originality however that proved difficult, hence it came down to those would embelish and vividly protray there story lines with out losing the reader.. therefore the inept attempt at clasiffication without a semblance of order to mention.

Author......... & ............Title
  • Erica Badu
  • Something for the People
  • Joe
  • D' Angelo
  • Method Man
  • Wu-Tang Clan
  • Naughty By Nature
  • Snoop Dog / Dog Pound
  • Mozart
  • Bach
  • James Brown
  • Quincy Jones
  • Godfather Triology
  • Usual Suspects
  • Heat
  • Face Off
  • Leon
  • Fist of Legend
  • Amistad
  • Ken Follet - Dangerous Fortune
  • Anne Rice - Memnonch
  • Eric Lustbader - Second Skin and Jian
  • James Redfield - Celestine Prophecy
  • Tony Morrison - Beloved
  • Tom Clancy - Executive Orders
  • Ben Okri - Famished Road
Technologies / Gaming Marquee
World Affairs / Issues in Focus
PC's & Computer Games

Well with the advent, no better yet with global realization of the benefits of information technology, I dedicate this section for those who where caught up in it earlier for the wrong reasons, i.e. solataire, tetris etc.

There quite useful and fustrating machines on occassion's, but hey! who said anything is perfect in life..........anyway moving along swiftly i have created a list of
PC games and TV games that are worthy buys if your of the same thinking that is.....also if you can afford a 40" TV or 19" PC monitor with a 3D fx card / video card then the games are damn site more enjoyable..but nevertheless still great fun.

PC Games............... & .......................TV Games
  • Command and Conquer (all)....................Tekken
  • Quake II (all)................................................Gran Turismo
  • Tom Raider (all)..........................................Ridge Racer
  • Civilisation (all)...........................................FIFA 98/99
  • Halflife............................................................Soul Blade