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Liceo Rosmini!
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Finally! Our great old Grammar Shool has its Web Site!!! Developed by prof. Agostino Carollo,in cooperation with his nice students of the IA (language) and other more-or-less helpers, this site will expand in the near future...

The photo gallery: a selection of images of school's life; from the morning bell to volleyball tournaments!

Audio clips from the record of the month: Su e giù da un palco (Ligabue)

"Quelli tra palco e realtà"

"Il giorno di dolore"

Geography, our world: a bounch of ideas from our point of view

The Mysterious ways of History: revealed by our specialists

The best compositions: Whatever happened to all your school compositions? We try to save the best!

That's not all, folks: Try your hand in our exclusive quiz. Do you know where the name Macarena came from? And what do Bono Vox and Lisa Stansfield have in common?

Making culture: Snippets... Hear a teacher expound on jamming with Elvis, see him at the mixing board and preview some rockin' cuts.

Yes, Antonio Rosmini the philosopher is alive, all right, and he's right here on this Site!!!

making piethe quizClipsChat The Palace

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Last update: November 8th, 1997

Copyright © 1997 Agostino Carollo. All rights reserved.