I am Grand Sachem Chief Moigu Standing Bear, Aquai,(Greetings) to all
who visit this site and peace be with you. I hope the Great Spirit,
MUNDU, as we call him in Mohegan has guided you here to learn and
understand about some of the ways of our people. I am the Sachem of my
people as was my father before me and a direct descendant of the great
Grand Sachem Uncas. Our Tribe is Mohegan which means people of the Wolf
or Wolf people. I live in the City of Kings located on the Yantic River
where there are two waterfalls and a place called Uncas Leap where the
Great Uncas jumped across the revine, a feat to this day that has not
been repeated and I might add that if anyone dared to try they would
surely fall to their death on the jagged rocks far below that sacred
place. My father Grand Sachem Chief Rolling Cloud AKA John E. Hamilton
was the leader of the Mohegan-Pequot people from 1933-1988. He was also
a Native American Rights Activist and founded the National American
Indian Defense Association in 1939 and was also land claims
representative for many Tribes across the Nations. He was a Great Man
and I am Honored to be his son. My father's vision was to see all the
Tribes come together and stand strong in unity, unfortunately he was
only able to see this on a small scale in his lifetime, but this is also
my vision and the the vision of many other Native American people across
the nations. If you wish to learn more about the Confederation of Tribes
and feel the time has come for the Tribes to recognize each other's
inherent sovereign rights as Independent Nations, rights that every
Native American Indian is born with and cannot be given by the U.S.
government because these rights pre-exist colonial contact and if you
feel in your heart that the only people who can recognize Native
American Indians are the Native American Indians then contact one of the
following addresses instead of leaving it up to the BIA (Bureau of
Indian Affairs) who by the way misplaced 2.5 Billion Dollars of our
money! There is too long a trail of broken treaties and empty promises
by the U.S. government and the time has come to take back our culture
and traditions in honor of our ancestors and our children. Take the U.S.
Government's hand out of our pockets and Uncle Sam's foot off our
throats. Stand with us in unity. The Genocide of our people has never
stopped. They're just better at hiding it now! for more info. contact
the Confederation of the Mohegan-Pequot American Indian Nation and
Affiliated Tribes at this page's e-mail address or call 1-860-886-9338
Fax 1-860-886-1432 or mail National American Indian Defense Association,
232 Yantic St.Norwich CT.06360
May the Great Spirit Guide you on your path
Grand Sachem Chief Moigu Standing Bear
Links to other sites on the Web
Mohegan Princess Morning Sunrise Site!
Mohegan Tribal History page!
Khmer Health Advocates Inc.
Chief Watching Crow Page
National American Indian Defense Association Page
Grand Sachem Mohegan Page
© 1997 uncas7@aol.com