Mohegan Prince Watching Crow Page

Winds of Change

A strong wind of change brings forth a man, a man carried by honor and royalty. With the help of wings of dignity, he carries his sachemship in his heart and soars like the Great Eagle, forward to bring a tribe from times of unrecognition and an unhonorable disposition, to a time of recognition and an honorable time of harvest that breathes a feast where everyone in tribal standing has their cup overfilled and their plate served with a meal long overdue, filling the stomaches of so many good tribal members that have hungered for so long to be recognized and understood by the outside world, lead by the great white father, who has starved our Native Community of our Rights to be what we are, leaving us anorexic, unnurtered, and badgered by denying us of our simple but vital needs. For so long, this great harvest has come and gone, unattended, leaving our council fire dimming and burning low, nut now the harvest is here; our Sachem's son and chosen leader has arrived to bring this harvest to everyone in the great unattended Native Community. He has come as a signal to the great white father. He has come to bring us our rightful feast of the harvest to everyone, to overfill our cups and fill our plates, to nurture our needs and filling our stomaches with the recognition and understanding that our Grandmothers and Grandfathers would want. He has brought the wood to build the council fire, to let it burn high as a signal to the great white father, We are here, We are the Mohegan Tribe and Nation, We will not leave. We have been here for so many moons, so many sunrises and sunsets, long before the great white father came in his boat with his religion and diseases. We deserve our recognition and our reservation so that our children can grow in a community where they are able to walk on their own sacred, rightful land. Let our Sachem with his strength of the Great Bear and knowledge of his Father, guide us in the path of righteousness and support of the Great Spirit.

Links to other sites on the Web

National American Indian Defense Association Page
Confederation of the Mohegan-Pequot Page
Grand Sachem Mohegan Page
Mohegan Tribe and Nation Page
Mohegan Princess Page

Chief Watching Crow- Son of Grand Sachem Chief Moigu Standing Bear

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