For you have enjoyed this survey there will be more question and answer in a few weeks.
1. Pilgrims established the first permanent settlement in America.
False, the first permanent colony was Saint Augustine settled in the early 1500's by the Spanish making it the first. In 1607 Jamestown, VA was settled making it to be second permanent colony in America. Not till 1620 did the Pilgrim land on Plymouth.
2. The Battle of Bunker Hill took place on Bunker Hill, near Boston.
3. Columbus discovered that the world was round.
False, map makers since Ancient Greece have known the world was round. Maps were even drawn showing the world was round. If any one is to get the credit it should be Magellan. His crew actually circumnavigated the world.
4. The Civil War took place in the 18th Century.
False, the Civil War began on April 12, 1861 at Fort Sumter, located near Charleston SC. The Civil War ended at the Appomattox Court House on April 6, 1865. The Civil War was in the 19th century.
5. Eli Whitney was the first inventor of the cotton gin.
False, the cotton gin was only perfected by Eli Whitney.
6. Alexander Hamilton was shot and killed by the Vice President of the United States.
True, Aaron Burr was Vice President to Thomas Jefferson (1801-1805). He got angry when Hamilton ran against Burr and won. Burr challenged Hamilton to a duel at Weehawken, NJ. Hamilton died of bullet wombs. The Vice President was found for willful murder in the NJ grand jury. Aaron Burr return to Washington and presided over the Senate till his term was over.
7. The U.S. Constitution establishes the nation as a democracy.
False, we live in a republic. If you do not believe me recite the pledge of allegiance.
"...To the Republic for which it stand ...".
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Last Updated July 14, 1997 by webmaster