Johnson & Johnson Leaders on Leadership
Persuasive Leadership
"Leadership is about persuading others to act to achieve goals that represent true values, and the wants, needs, motivations, aspirations and expectations of both leaders and followers." — Roger Allsop is the Operations Director at Johnson & Johnson Pacific.
Encouraging Excellence
"In these Forums, what we are trying to do is to encourage excellence - to equip you as leaders, with a range of skills, processes and case studies that will assist you to develop your leadership potential - and develop the potential of Australia. We want a leadership movement to be born and nurtured.
Leadership is not about being a tall poppy or becoming everyone’s mate. Leadership is all about setting the vision and setting the destiny. In any society people need someone to follow, we need the visionaries to set the agenda and we need inspiration to achieve our lot." — Fred Vermeer was instrumental in helping to establish the New Leaders Forum and is Vice-President, Johnson & Johnson International.
The Power of Leadership
"The power of leadership can develop a movement of visionary leaders who will have the ability to make an impact. You must have passion and conviction. You must have the ability to inspire others to follow. And you mustn’t give up until it’s achieved ... you can make a difference and I believe you will make difference." — John Doumani is the Managing Director of Johnson & Johnson Pacific.
Facets of Leadership
"Leadership is all about change, and leadership is all about a number of people getting involved in these changes. It is not about just one person at the top. Management is a crucial part of leadership - the concept that we may be overmanaged and under led may often be true, but to be effective there has to be a balance of both.
I think the important thing is whether the leader is communicating to the manager or visa versa. That they actually understand they are both going down the same track because everyone gets up and communicates and we hear all this stuff, but do we take it onboard and actually are we hearing what they are saying, or are we hearing different things?
You don’t have to have a million goals to show you’re a leader. Instead, work with just a few goals and objectives that you know about and believe realistically can be achieved." — David Norton is the Managing Director of Janssen-Cilag, part of the pharmaceutical arm of the Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies.