12/19/00 15:20:37
Name: James R Ringer. S.W. | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Sandown 1869 |
Address: Sandown, | Country: Isle of Wight. UK |
I enjoyed looking at your site, Sorry but we do not yet have a site of our own.
11/21/00 23:27:40
My URL: Visit Me |
11/21/00 23:26:43
Name: G. Hickman | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Hiram Lodge # 3, |
Address: Burin |
enjoyed viewing your site. You have a very interesting building - will make a point to visit when in the area.
10/29/00 01:56:15
Name: mel Gerber | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Chicafo 437 |
Country: USA |
I enjoyed vist with your site
Come over & visit us
10/09/00 23:19:38
My URL: Visit Me |
08/20/00 19:22:16
Name: BRO. LAYNE DIFFEY | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: HARRY S. TRUMAN #1727 GRAND LODGE OF SCOTLAND A.F. & A.M. |
Country: USA |
08/15/00 23:09:09
Name: Warrick Allen | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: 1679 Lodge Conception |
Address: Chamberlings c b | Country: Nfld.Walter |
Walter ,thanks for the tour of your lodge i enjoyed it, and thanks for the caplin.You are welcom anytime.Warrick WSW Lodge Conception
07/30/00 21:13:11
Name: Harry Cunningham | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: 654 |
Address: Des Moines, Iowa | Country: USA |
Hello brethren, Nice site. I am surfing masonic web sites to say hello. Also promoting our lodge website at www.wavelandpark.org, please visit us. We have a page that will allow you to send electronic greeting cards featuring masonic graphics.
06/02/00 08:28:39
Name: garfield |
My URL: Visit Me |
hi all!
05/18/00 18:26:43
Name: Robert Woodland | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Zeredatha #220 GRC |
Address: Uxbridge, Ontario |
I am Historian of Zeredatha Lofge and a member of Heritage Lodge, whose aim is to promote and preserve the history and heritage of Masonry in Ontario. I am also a native Newfoundlander and was delighted to read the history of laying the cornerstone for yo
r lodge hall in 1907, which had been posted to the Net by a member of the Nfld. Genealogical Society. One of your Grand Lodge officers listed at that ceremony was Bro. J.S. Currie, who was my employer at the St. John's Daily News in the 1940s-50s. I would
like to visit your lodge hall during my trip to Nfld. in July this year.
01/22/00 05:46:13
Name: Bud Thomson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Verulam, #268 |
I love to visit Twillingate and nice to see an active lodge there....I'd love to visit on my next trip to the Rock. May the Light of the East shine on all members.
01/19/00 02:37:56
Name: Robert Roth | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Camanio #19 |
Address: Stanwood, WA (state) | Country: USA |
Masonic greetings from Washington State.
I live on Camano Island here on Puget Sound and am active in all phases of the Lodge activities - Degree work, Temple Board , etc.
I am sort of a Newfoundlanded in that I spent three years up there , from 1957 to 1960, in the USAF. This was when Ernest Harmon Air Base was open at Stephenville.
This shows when I name the province with emphasis on the "Land" not on "found" as most US people do.
Please E Mail me back with: your location on the island, membership, activities, etc.
Cheers Bob Roth
01/17/00 05:06:47
Name: George Day | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Cedar Lodge AF&AM No. 270 GRC |
Address: Oshawa, Ontario | Country: Canada |
A very fine looking page that is now bookmarked for re-visiting. If you get time for a fraternal visit to our site so much the better.
01/09/00 16:36:54
Name: John Hummel-Newell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Victoria #26 |
Address: Stephen N.B. | Country: Canada |
I bring you farternal Greetings From Victoria Lodge # 26 A.f.& M.
John Hummel-Newell Jr.Steward
01/07/00 23:32:12
Name: Brandt Harris | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Tonkawa # 157 |
Address: tonkawa, Oklahoma | Country: USA |
Fraternal greetings, nice web site hope to visit your area sometime we have one member here that is Canadian. Hope you will visit our web site soon. Fraternally yours Brandt.
12/20/99 18:25:05
Name: Brian Shortt | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: King Edward No. 93 |
Address: Winnipeg, Manitoba | Country: Canada |
Great web site!
Greetings from Winnipeg.
Best of the season to you and your Brethren.
Brian Shortt
11/15/99 13:37:08
Name: Greg Balla | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: King Edward #93 |
Address: 205 Kimberly Ave | Country: Canada |
Greetings from King Edward Lodge #93 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Please visit our site when you have the time.
W. Bro. Greg Balla
08/24/99 18:22:09
Name: RW David Chase, Senior Grand Warden, GL of NJ | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Musconetcong #151 |
Address: Budd Lakem NJ | Country: USA |
I visited your Masonic web site via the em@son ing. Your site is very well done and I commend you on your outstanding effort. The Internet is proving to be a great tool for Freemasons the world over and of all walks of life to communicate. When you get a
hance,visit our Masonic websites at:
http://www.2be1ask1.com .
R.W. David A. Chase,
Senior Grand Warden,
Grand Lodge of New Jersey F&AM
08/22/99 14:26:07
Name: Kevin Power | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Address: Waterloo |
Country: Ontario |
I lived & worked in Twillingate 1976 and 1977 and have been in Ontario for almost 20 years now, I noticed some familiar names, Twillingate was a great place to live.
06/01/99 19:31:33
Name: Halldór Sveinsson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: ASTRĈA |
Country: SWEDEN |
05/25/99 07:53:14
Name: Russ Hamlyn | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Address: Mississauga-Ontario |
Country: Canada |
Great page. I've been to Twillingate many times as a teen but I've not had the pleasure of seeing the Lodge. Still,I like your Site.
03/30/99 03:22:02
Name: worshipful brother gene lotz | My URL: Visit Me |
Home Lodge #: Windsor lodge No.403 | Address: Ontario |
Great Web page. I have been to newfoundland several times. I will try to visit twillingate next time.
03/28/99 01:53:08
Name: David I. Goldrup, P.M. | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Freeport Lodge #23 |
Address: Freeport, Maine | Country: USA |
Fraternal greetings.
03/20/99 12:44:10
Name: William Goddard | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Parkdale#510 |
Address: Toronto | Country: Canada |
Just surfing through, came across your site. Very nice and well organized
03/20/99 02:52:37
Name: Allan Guy | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Address: Saskatoon,Sk |
Country: Canada |
My Grandfather, George Guy, was a member of this lodge. I am glas to see that the building and the brotherhood are still preserved and plays an active role in the community.
03/15/99 04:37:43
Name: Dave Hamlyn, Past Master | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Prince of Wales #630 GRC |
Address: Brampton, Ontario | Country: Canada |
Great web site, beautiful Masonic Temple. I've had the priviledge of being inside the Temple on my last visit to Twillingate in 1990. I believe my grandfather Arthur Hamlyn of Crow Head (died Mar 1967) was a member of your lodge. Any information on him
or my own father Albert Hamlyn of Crow Head (died June 1988) would be greatly appreciated.
02/28/99 14:54:58
Name: Bro. W.C. Sharpe | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Twillingate,lodge#7 |
Address: Newfoundland | Country: Canada |
Fine looking page, kept up the good work.
02/22/99 03:24:18
Name: sw |
My URL: Visit Me |
12/31/98 23:30:55
Name: Harold Forward | My URL: Visit Me |
Home Lodge #: Lodge Northcliffe #1086 S.C. | Address: Grand Falls, NF |
Country: Canada |
Beautiful lodge. Hoping to see your third degree in January '99.
12/31/98 03:06:56
Name: jamie greene | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: #7 Twllingate,nfld |
Address: Gander | Country: Canada |
Greetings brothers I am sorry that I have been only at one meeting this year . Hopefully I can make a few meetings this spring . I wish everyone at the lodge seasons greeting from myself and my family. Jamie
12/24/98 04:58:04
Name: John Skynner | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Acacia #561 (Ottawa) |
Address: 207 Blackburn Ave |
Visited Twillingate this fall and saw the temple. If I am ever in Twillingate again I will try and visit the Lodge if possible. Anyone who makes their way to Ottawa is most welcome at Acacia.
12/19/98 00:38:05
Name: Rt Wor Bro David G.Rowsell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Address: Botwood |
Country: Canada |
Real nice site would like to see more lodges do the same.
12/03/98 12:05:07
Name: Bruce D. Davis | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Lodge of Fidelity #231 |
Address: Ottawa, ON | Country: Canada |
Fraternal Greetings from Ontario. I hope to visit Newfoundland in a few years when I retire and I would like to visit a few lodges in my travels. Your lodge impresses me as one that I would like to visit.
12/03/98 12:03:59
Name: Bruce D. Davis | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Lodge of Fidelity #231 |
Address: Ottawa, ON | Country: Canada |
Fraternal Greetings from Ontario. I hope to visit Newfoundland in a few years when I retire and I would like to visit a few lodges in my travels. Your lodge impresses me as one that I would like to visit.
11/27/98 20:59:54
Name: Allan Freeman | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Twillingate #7 |
Address: Box 4Site 2 RR!,TerraNova,Nf.A0C1L0 | Country: Canada |
Greetings to the Lodge.I have been a member of Twillingate lodge for 53 years.Congratulations for the home page.It's nice to see that the lodge is
doing well.
Allan Freeman
11/27/98 20:48:00
Name: Allan McBride | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Hiram lodge #3 |
Address: Site2 Box 2 RR1 Terra Nova,Nf. | Country: Canada |
11/23/98 00:54:42
Name: Leroy hysong | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Ioni 394 333 st charles |
Address: New orleans la | Country: usa |
thanks for letting me view your web site I have not been back to newfoundland for 40 years.
10/26/98 10:32:42
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
10/13/98 22:34:02
Name: Erlingsson/ALFRED | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: NJALA |
Address: Isafjordur | Country: Iceland |
This is a beutiful house you have in Twillingate The brightnes light will help us to make good things. brother greetings
10/04/98 01:36:02
Name: Dick Ford | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Address: Holdingford, Minnesota |
Country: USA |
I'm just visiting! My mother, Anne E. Newman was born in Twillingate. My grandparents, George and Harriet Newman had many friends there. Someday I hope to visit Twillingate. Thanks for letting visit your website.
Dick Ford
09/26/98 17:54:37
Name: Rt. Wor. Bro. Frank Tibbo | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Gander No. 16 |
Address: Gander |
Congratulations on your home-page.
09/23/98 00:52:27
Name: Tony Stuckless S.W. | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Botwood #9 |
Address: AOH 1E0 | Country: Canada |
09/23/98 00:52:24
Name: Tony Stuckless S.W. | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Botwood #9 |
Address: AOH 1E0 | Country: Canada |
09/23/98 00:52:17
Name: Tony Stuckless S.W. | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Botwood #9 |
Address: AOH 1E0 | Country: Canada |
09/08/98 00:29:48
Name: Max Sceviour | My Email: Email Me |
Home Lodge #: Whiteway No.8 | Address: St. John's, NF |
Country: Canada |
Greetings from the Lodge numbered next to yours.
My roots are Exploits...also close to you and linked, as you know, since the days of John Peyton. Congratulations to you for exploring this great new fronteer and making such as worthy contribution to it. Attending one of your meetings is high on my prio
ities list.
Cindy - 08/27/98 13:54:39 My URL:http My Email: comment: Nice page... above all the rest!! | Comments: |
Name: Graham Pelley | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: The Corinthian #13 |
Address: Hampton, New Brunswick | Country: Canada |
Nice website! Your lodge is a great piece of the history of Twillingate and you all should be very proud of it. I understand, from discussions with one of the brothers on the wharf in Twillingate this summer, that there has been a lot of new members lat
ly. This is great! My father talked about Twillingate lodge a lot when I was growing up in Lewisporte, where he was a member. His name was "Fin" (Finlay) Pelley and, I believe he joined masonry, and 'Twillingate Lodge',in the forties. He used to be a
urser on the railway boats and visited Twillingate a lot.
I have been down to see the Lodgeroom,(one of the brothers showed myself and two of my friends through it one day a few summers ago! - It really is beautiful!) but I haven't been there for any degree work. I do plan on getting there sometime soon.
Keep up the great work,
08/23/98 12:19:39
Name: Roy Jenkins | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Gander & Airways |
Address: Gander | Country: Canada |
Congratulations on a job well done.
08/08/98 16:38:04
Name: Wor Bro Dan Crocker | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Whiteway #8 |
Address: St.John's |
Very nice home page.All lodges should have a home page.
07/17/98 23:48:25
Name: Gary Dalley | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Airways #26 GLNL |
Address: Gander | Country: Canada |
You've done a fine job.
Congratulations & warm fraternal greetings.
Gary Dalley, IPM Airways Lodge
(and family roots in T'gate)
07/06/98 01:10:03
Name: Don Neilson | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Lodge Seville 530 S.C. |
Address: St. Ann's Bay | Country: Jamaica |
Fraternl Greetings from Jamaica
07/05/98 04:08:39
Name: IMP John Andrews | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: #27 McLeod |
Address: Bay Roberts | Country: Canada |
Good to see the Lodge moving ahead
07/05/98 00:50:51
Name: Dave Rowsell | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Botwood Lodge #9 |
Address: Box 2010 Northern Arm |
Great Site
Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 06:55:59
My URL:http://
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of
myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
07/03/98 00:33:55
Name: Ewart Tibbo Ewart Tibbo | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Airways #26 |
Address: Gander,NF. | Country: Canada |
Hi. Congratulations on your Home Page.
I am presently secretary of Airways and Senior Warden of Unity Lodge. I'm also a good friend of your Wor. Master Aubrey Anstey.
07/02/98 22:20:30
Name: V Wro. Bro. Ross Ashbourne | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Gander Lodge # 16 Twillingate Lodge # 7 |
Address: 62 Fraser Road, Gander, Newfoundland | Country: Canada |
I am proud of Twillingate for having the first Home Page in Newfoundland. Twillingate has come a long way since I joined the Lodge in 1984. This Lodge and it's members are to be complemented.
06/24/98 02:45:09
Name: Karen Ruedisueli |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Nice website. The building is quite beautiful and the people who help with "Bean Scoff" for Festival time most wonderful. Enjoyed my visit at the Lodge very much.
03/15/98 01:04:50
Name: Tom Vatcher | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Twillingate #7 |
Address: Mount Pearl , NF | Country: Canada |
The Web Page really looks good.
02/25/98 06:30:04
Name: Chuck Walton Junior Warden | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Home Lodge #: Granbury Lodge #392 |
Address: Granbury, Texas | Country: U.S.A. |
Greetings my brothers, I just had to comment on your excellent page, very informative. Your Lodge looks very interesting I would love to visit it some day. Best wishes to all of you from the bretheren of Granbury Lodge.