Our Castle
You pass deep into the forest and enter a large
clearing. The small castle towers before you majestically, speckled stones glistening in the light. Atop the
balustrades waves an embroidered banner depicting a Sorcerer with a dragon perched upon his shoulder. The grand
entrance before you being guarded by a great red dragon, and a great green dragon. Sometimes on stoic guard
sometimes flying silently overhead. Stone stairs lead you to the Great Hall. You see a welcoming dance of hearth flames whose light casts deviously gentle shadows on the whipping post erected in the center of a sandpit. You see chairs, pillows, rugs, a serving area, and at one end of the room, set across from the hearth, a large arch that opens to a balcony shaded by an ancient oak. You see two halls, one leading to empty alcoves, the other to the chambers of those who dwell here. Your gaze falls upon an intricately carved throne depicting the scenes of Masters, Mistresses, of slaves, of knights, of magic, of dragons, & stars,. In the same manner rests beside it a wooden chest within the Ubar's reach. |
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