Ms. Monroe is a veteran teacher at Bolton High School, a Rapides Parish School in Alexandria, Louisiana. She has taught English to grades 9-12 and at levels of difficulty ranging from Regular and College Prep to Honors and Advanced Placement. Ms. Monroe has also taught Speed Reading and ACT Preparation. She heads the English department, directs the annual school play, and sponsors National Honor Society, Quiz Bowl, and Literary Rally.
This web site is designed to help a wide variety of people. For Ms. Monroe's students, this site is useful in obtaining an overview of her classes, getting specifics on projects, and finding links which are helpful for meeting the requirements of the courses. All students are encouraged to check out the other English classes and to take advantage of great links chosen specifically to meet the needs of high schoolers. Educators will find many projects and educator-specific links on this site. Ms. Monroe uses many projects in her classes. Whether you are a student needing to find out specifics or an educator looking for an idea to use in your class, the requirements for both general and specific literary works projects are posted on this site. We hope you find this site useful and enjoy the resources available!
If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas on how to improve this site or any links to add, please email the webmaster.
This site published August 6, 1997. Updated March 05, 2001.
The information given, views expressed, and conclusions reached on this site do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bolton High School or the Rapides Parish school system. The content of these pages has not been reviewed or approved by these entities.