Psychotherapy Research Programs and Centers
University of Pennsylvania Center for Psychotherapy Research
San Francisco Psychotherapy Research Group
Psychological Therapies Research Centre (U of Leeds)
Abeles, Norman
Addis, Michael
Anderson, Timothy
Angus, Lynne
Arkowitz, Harold S.
Armelius, Bengt-Ake
Arnkoff, Diane
Barber, Jacques
Barlow, David H
Beutler, Larry
Borkovec, Thomas
Caspar, Franz
Chambless, Dianne L.
Castonguay, Louis
Crits-Christoph, Paul
Deane, Frank
Dobson, K. S.
D'Zurilla, Thomas
Eells, Tracy D.
Elliott, Robert
Friedlander, Myrna
Gaston, Louise
Gelso, Charles J
Gibbons, Mary Beth
Glass, Carol R.
Goldfried, Marvin
Greenberg, Leslie
Haaga, David
Hill, Clara E
Horvath, Adam O.
Hoyt, William
Kaechele, Horst
Kazantzis, Nikolaos
Kazdin, Alan
Ladany, Nicholas
Lambert, Michael
Lazarus,Arnold A.
Linehan, Marsha M.
Luborsky, Lester
Lueger, Robert J.
Mallinckrodt, Brent S.
Muran, J. Christopher
Newman, Michelle G.
Norcross, John
Ogles, Benjamin
Orlinsky, David
Prochaska, James O.
Rehm, Lynn P.
Ronnestad, M.H.
Safran, Jeremy
Shapiro, David
Shoham, Varda
Sobell, Linda C.
Startup, Mike
Steketee, Gail
Stiles, William
Stricker, George
Todd, David M.
Toukmanian, Shake
Wampold, Bruce
Watson, Jeanne C
American Psychological Association
APA's Division 17 - Counseling Psychology
APA's Division 12 - Clinical Psychology
APA's Division 29 - Psychotherapy
The American Counseling Association
Society for a Science of Clinical Psychology
Society for the Exploration of Psychotherapy Integration (SEPI)
Society for Psychotherapy Research
Funding-Community of Science
NIMH grants
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