10/27/97 00:23:07
Name: Jaci Rolfe | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 | Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: golden retriever & a cat |
10/24/97 12:40:55
Name: Rae |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
10/22/97 04:53:42
Name: Athena Shaw | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 29 | Gender: Female | Do you have any Pets?: Yes |
If yes what kind?: My cat Selene |
Merry Meet! Very nice site, I'll visit again soon. Keep up the good work. Blessed Be, Athena
10/21/97 02:54:44
Name: Gypsy | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 37 | Gender: Female | Do you have any Pets?: Yes. |
If yes what kind?: I have a siamese cat named Deannna, a black cat named Samandra, a white cat named Salt, a white and black cat named Tik-tak, a silver ferret named Zeus, and a Sable ferret named Drakk. |
Greetings! What a lovely page. We like Scott Cunningham a lot too! I know what you mean about Wicca getting you over the rough times. It has been a lifesaver for me too. If you have time visit and say Hi! Bright Blessings!!! ~Gypsy & Storm~
10/19/97 16:19:41
Name: Gina | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 25 | Gender: I'm a girl! | Do you have any Pets?: YES!! |
If yes what kind?: 1 husband, 1 toddler, and a terrorized cat! |
Hey Bali!!!
Miss you.....
10/13/97 14:36:06
Name: Elfmage | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 29 | Gender: male | Do you have any Pets?: 4, unless you count kids |
If yes what kind?: 1 dog, 1 cat, 2 Ferrets, & 2 kids |
MM Cloud Dancer,
Just returning the favor of your visit. I will go look at your Home, as soon as I finish signing your GuestBook.
Love and Light,
10/11/97 16:12:15
Name: Amy L. Carlson | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 13 | Gender: Female(witch) | Do you have any Pets?: Yes Two |
If yes what kind?: A pet Cat Tiger and a pet Hamster Peepers |
Marry Meet! I love your page. And I only 13 need the help of being a witch. Witches , Pagans , Wiccans ( and all the rest how consider them selfs witches) RULE.
Blessed Be!
10/06/97 15:24:06
Name: Tigerfly | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: LOL | Gender: Female | Do you have any Pets?: Yes |
If yes what kind?: Birds,dog,ferret and 2 children and 1 husband |
Enjoyed my stay
10/05/97 16:33:20
Name: Rverend Sebastian "Lockland" Comyns | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 25 | Gender: male | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: Cat, Dog, Tarantula |
10/02/97 03:55:52
Name: Athena | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Gender: female |
Do you have any Pets?: yes | If yes what kind?: dog, frog |
I really liked your page, & thank you for signing mine, blessed be, Athena
10/01/97 07:39:13
Name: Jese Pearsall | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 41 | Gender: female |
Do you have any Pets?: I sure do! | If yes what kind?: 2 beautiful doves, and 2 sweet parakeets |
Beautiful beginnings, Cloud Dancer! Wicca is also a path that I am beginning to explore. Left my email off on purpose, too many folks are going into others guestbooks and emailing me to come visit their sites...wish they'd do it the right way and visit be
ore emailing! *sigh* Warmest wishes to you for a happy, happy life! Jese
09/30/97 16:54:49
Name: Linus the Birch | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 21 | Gender: Male |
Do you have any Pets?: No, but I've had dogs. | If yes what kind?: Old English Sheepdog, Yorkshire Terrier and (don't know the English name, but it's long with short legs and German) |
Thanks for signing my guestbook, you're the first for a long time. I like your page. Why not tell us something about wicca? And more about you, and what you do? /Linus
09/30/97 13:48:20
Name: Asherah | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 26 | Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: Yes |
If yes what kind?: 1 cat and 1 dog |
Beautiful site. Love the background. We will be adding a link to this site from ours. Come visit us and consider becoming a member of The Healing Circle. Brightest Blessings,
Sarah and Lyssa
09/28/97 19:31:50
Name: Suu | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 17 | Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: a dog, Gerbils, and a squirrel |
I love your page...It kept my spirits high knowing that there were more solitaries out there. Blessed Be!
09/25/97 14:52:14
Name: Semindy | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 34 | Gender: female |
Do you have any Pets?: yep, | If yes what kind?: cat and a dog |
Great page!!
09/23/97 08:19:24
Name: john | My URL: Visit Me |
Age: 30 | Do you have any Pets?: no |
I live in Vicksburg MS. Call me at 601-630-9038
09/22/97 19:42:21
Name: DaGod | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: wise | Gender: malee*looking down* ya I'm male | Do you have any Pets?: Hmmm I have an oscar(fish) named baby |
If yes what kind?: Opps I told you above |
Hey just wanted to say I'm back at your page and it still looks great...keep it up*s*
09/19/97 16:46:03
Name: Gaea | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 24 | Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: 1 cat, 5 fish |
I used to have a horse named Cloud Dancer. He was the most beautiful thing on the earth to me. The name is very special, and I love that your pages are just as beautiful and special. I will visit often.
Blessed Be!
09/17/97 01:44:08
Name: Morrigan | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 27 | Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: cat and 3 iguanas |
Wicca is a religion that I get great joy from. I am very happy and proud to call myself a Wiccan.
09/16/97 23:58:46
Name: Bryn | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 24 | Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: The biggest gray cat that you ever seen :-) |
I love your page Cloud-Dancer! Sorry it's taken me so long to make my way over to your site. I just checked my guestbook *oops!* I will be sure to return in the future. ~Blessings, Bryn.
09/16/97 22:02:46
Name: ~* CaT *~ | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 30 | Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: yep |
If yes what kind?: 2 dogs, Bichon Frises..Cody and Wynonna |
09/16/97 18:30:52
Name: Kat |
My URL: Visit Me |
Hi! Enjoyed your pages
09/15/97 14:01:37
Name: Edward Kleiner | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: 40 |
Gender: Male | Do you have any Pets?: No |
Hi Cloud Dancer I just surfed via a geoguide & came to your Site & I like it alot. You have a
super great site. So come on down to my Website
tell me the things you like on it & sign my guestbook. Thank You Very Much.
Edward Kleiner
09/14/97 04:23:12
Name: MoonOwl | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 14 | Gender: Female | Do you have any Pets?: Yes |
If yes what kind?: 2 Dogs, 3 cats, 1 rat, 1 guinea pig, 2 rabbits |
I love your page! Please take the time to visit mine.
09/12/97 02:09:47
Name: Lord Iblis | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 24 | Gender: Male | Do you have any Pets?: Yeah |
If yes what kind?: Dog, Cats, & Fish |
Thanks for signing my guestbook. Your pages are great!
09/07/97 04:07:32
Name: aila | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 48 | Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: two cats, two dogs, one goose |
love your page. very well expressed. nice backgrounds. may I link?
09/05/97 16:10:24
Name: Dogman | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 32 | Gender: Male | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: 2 Cats (Pandora & Scotty) |
Great page! Keep up the good work.
09/05/97 15:46:41
Name: wolfcat | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Age: unknown |
Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: no. |
Thank you for visiting my site. You have a good one here. Keep up the good work.
Bright Blessings!
09/05/97 15:31:26
Name: MoonMother | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: Older than dirt | Gender: Crone | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: a wolf, an Affenpinscher, 2 black cats, and fish |
Dear Lady,
I wanted to thank you for visiting MoonMother's
Millennium. Your site is very lovely and I have enjoyed my visit. Have a beautiful day, and now I must fly away...........Love and Blessings, MoonMom
09/04/97 21:08:42
Name: Stephie | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you have any Pets?: Yuppers :) |
If yes what kind?: 2 cats that found us! |
A whisper led me to your page,
Enchantment made me stay.
A feat of wonder and delight
I've found in here today!
May you live all
your best dreams![]()
09/04/97 20:19:03
Name: Papa Crow | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 39 | Gender: "Boy Witch" :) | Do you have any Pets?: Yes |
If yes what kind?: Actually I am the pet of a parrot named Oliver. |
You have assembled a beautiful site here. I'll look forward to watching it grow. Brightest Blessings!
09/04/97 19:50:59
Name: Ravynfyre | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 19 | Gender: Female | Do you have any Pets?: Yup. |
If yes what kind?: At the moment, only my crazy (but much loved) cat. |
Cloud-Dancer, the page looks amazing. Really it does. i don't really have the time i would like to spend looking at it right now, but with a bit of luck i will get back here soon. Blessed be!
09/04/97 16:41:48
Name: OakWyse |
My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me |
Cloud Dancer, Merry Meet. Thanks for visiting me in the Grove and leading me to your new site! You have made a good beginning at presenting a very down-to-earth and sensible image of Wicca. You might want to include in your favorite books section the b
oks of Pauline Campanelli, who does the same thing. I am not Java-enabled, so I appreciate your including the alternate menu! Keep up the good work, and may the Lord and Lady bless you. OakWyse.
09/04/97 15:07:09
Name: Gary Shook | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Do you have any Pets?: Yep |
If yes what kind?: Lions, Tigers and Bears Oh my! |
Very attractive page. I am running Netscape Communicator and your Java menu did not work.
Blessed Be
09/04/97 14:25:13
Name: Fabrisia | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 41 | Gender: female | Do you have any Pets?: yes |
If yes what kind?: a greyhound - Roscoe; a chow/collie mix - Aries; and two black cats that have adopted us!! |
Great start to your site. Keep up the good work. Blessings, Fabrisia
09/03/97 12:41:19
Name: WebMaster | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Age: 31 | Gender: Straight Male! | Do you have any Pets?: Yes, Named LanFear |
If yes what kind?: Killer Rottwieler! |
Very Crafty pages
09/03/97 08:30:15
Name: Anderomeda
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 22
If yes what kind?: 1 dog, 3 cats, 2 hamsters
Love the page! Looks grrrreat! Keep up the great work! Also if you liked what you saw on my homepage could you please come back next week and vote for it in the site fights?
Brightest Blessings, Light, and Love,
09/03/97 06:59:53
Name: Brien McCarty
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Do you have any Pets?: YES
If yes what kind?: Cats
Good start to a good page. I like your java menu.
I will keep visiting!
09/02/97 23:02:35
Name: Clover
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 14
Gender: girlie chick
Do you have any Pets?: oui
If yes what kind?: a doggie, etc.
Lovely page, but I couldn't go to anything!
09/02/97 21:34:24
Name: Alexis LeGendre-Johnson
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 42
Gender: Female
Do you have any Pets?: Yes 3
If yes what kind?: 2 Dogs and a Cat
Merry Meet:
Great page, thank you for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. What state do you live in?
I live in Washington State. I have bookmarked your page and will visit often.
Blessed Be
09/02/97 17:09:58
Name: Lady Alia
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 29
Do you have any Pets?: yup
If yes what kind?: groovey goldfish
very nice page =o). And thank you for visiting mine !!!!
09/02/97 03:16:09
Name: Alexandra
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Do you have any Pets?: Yes
If yes what kind?: 2 Cats, A simese cross Balmese and a Ragdoll