Thanks for taking the time to sign my guestbook! Cloud-Dancer

10/26/00 23:15:21
Name: Lindsay Boyd My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: !7.5 Gender: Female Do you have any Pets?: Yes Five
If yes what kind?: Four cats and one dog


03/29/00 15:58:03
Name: Talyn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 27 Gender: male Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: 2 cats


03/10/00 23:22:39
Name: Kax Athem My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 16
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: a full-blood wolf dog

This is a cool site.

02/29/00 04:00:24
Name: LeAnn My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 24
Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: no

Just interested

02/29/00 03:59:23
My URL: Visit Me


01/28/00 13:26:25
Age: 24 Gender: FEMALE
Do you have any Pets?: YES If yes what kind?: RABBIT


01/14/00 18:15:16
Name: Rebecca My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 45
Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: no

I am looking for a way to establish myself as a"gypsy" reiki practitioner.I travel with my husband as much as 25,000 miles/yr within the U.S......Any Suggestions?

12/09/99 18:19:59
Name: Travis My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 36 Gender: male Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: cat

Always looking for a better way to get help in life.

12/02/99 23:18:16
Name: aubie My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 18
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: i dog and about 30 fish

i really like that pic you have up on your cover page i also have it up on my web page with is no www. anyway i just wanted to tell you that i liked your page bye aubrie

11/27/99 08:20:34
Name: Jan Mason My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 48
Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: no


11/27/99 08:19:41
Name: Jan Mason
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me


11/16/99 01:10:52
Name: Renee Samaniego My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 32
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: fish/dog


10/13/99 01:25:45
Name: remmy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 31 Gender: woman Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: cats

Im interested in learning more about wichcraft and it's meaning.

10/09/99 12:30:01
Name: jassmine My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: not telling
Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: a wolf, a cat, four rabbits and two birds

beautiful backgrounds I so enjoyed my visit. Come visit me on the web.

09/27/99 23:51:03
Name: DragonMoon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 39 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: dog,cat,birds,gooseand pig

great site

09/26/99 21:42:46
Name: Sonya My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 21 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: 3 cats, 1 dog

Wicca is beautiful and natural, it must be felt deep within you to be true. I am a learning witch who feels deeply about the religion, so please e-mail me with any information which could be useful. Blessed be!

08/28/99 02:43:40
Name: Terry Reavis My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 40
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: 1cat 2dogs

Can't decide in between destinations

08/19/99 04:56:54
Name: Danny williams My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 31`
Gender: male


08/17/99 03:13:56
Name: Victoria My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Gender: girl Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: adog,bird,and two rabbets

I like your site. I would like to know more about Wicca. I don't think for a religon right now but just some thing to think about.So if you could email me and tell me some things about Wicca I would be happy. Thanks Victoria

06/10/99 04:32:06
Name: shannon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 22 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: one cat
If yes what kind?: mut

merry meet and blessed be:)

05/16/99 07:57:12
Name: Hasi Oria My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 52 Gender: mail Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: dog

Working with spiritual healing & Reiki.

05/08/99 13:39:57
Name: Dawn My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 31 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: dog


04/23/99 15:35:07
Name: Jen Bowen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: dogs


03/30/99 03:35:04
Name: Edith My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Gender: Female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: bird,dog,hammster

Do you know a webpage for teens who want to become withes. I would like to become one and have thought long and hard about it. My desstion is to become one. If you know of any pleace e-mail so I can go check them out.

02/27/99 08:43:24
My URL: Visit Me


01/30/99 03:50:58
My Email: Email Me Age: 23 MALE
Do you have any Pets?: YES If yes what kind?: DOGS2 2 CATS


01/17/99 05:44:05
Name: Laura My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 31 Gender: Female Do you have any Pets?: Yes
If yes what kind?: 3 cats and 1 dog

I loved your site. Thank you. Blessings be upon you.

01/08/99 03:33:18
My URL: Visit Me

hi mom iloveamyjo

12/20/98 00:25:20
Name: Toni My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 30
Gender: FEM Do you have any Pets?: puppy boy named Niner

Loved it - can you give me some tips sometime?

12/18/98 06:47:38
My URL: Visit Me


12/15/98 04:15:02
Name: Sally
My URL: Visit Me

Looks like you are lonely.....let me advise you there is more to life than this mere religion. Take care! :) I notice your page is full of text mostly...I suggest that you add some more gifs to liven it up. :)

12/15/98 04:14:30
Name: Sally
My URL: Visit Me

Looks like you are lonely.....let me advise you there is more to life than this mere religion. Take care! :)

12/06/98 18:56:45
Name: Rosalie Strawcutter My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 42 Gender: Female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: 2 Blue Great Danes

I am a healer and I found this site by surfing...I feel that I will be here often! Thank You Rosalie

11/04/98 23:03:28
Name: *Dreamspinner* My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have any Pets?: Yes
If yes what kind?: Two lovely Himalayan cats- one blue point, one flame point

Very nice weavings upon the electronic web =)! I wish you dreams of joy... Brightest Blessings, *Dreamspinner*

10/26/98 10:31:36
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

10/12/98 22:33:40
Name: randy spicer My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 26
Gender: male Do you have any Pets?: no

none at the present time

10/08/98 22:50:38
Name: Windy NightStorm My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 33
Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: no

I enjoyed your site!! Brightest Blessings

10/07/98 13:34:28
Name: Cyaena Wick My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 19 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: 3 adorable kittens named Louie, Feather and Pequina


10/04/98 21:00:40
Name: Eliya My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 46
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: great pyreneen

love from Israel !!!!!!!!!!!!!

10/02/98 21:55:16
Name: Tammy B. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 30 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: cat

I'm searching the net for any info on Wicca that I can find. I've found tons so far. I am very interested in Wicca and any other nature-based or spiritual-based religions.

10/01/98 16:10:51
Name: jib briggs My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 46
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: dog


Cindy - 09/25/98 04:13:42
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

09/21/98 00:49:44
Name: AutumnRayne My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 31
Do you have any Pets?: yep If yes what kind?: 2 cats, 4 kids, 1 fiancee

Hi. Just found your site surfing the webrings and thought I'd leave my mark. Hope you have a great day. Come visit us - tho' don't laugh the site is seriously lacking graphics...but we're working on it!

09/11/98 01:40:36
Name: dana skydreamer My URL: Visit Me
Age: 29 Gender: female
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: 2 small dogs

Just wanted to say Hi. Wish you all the bright butterfly blessings.

09/08/98 05:32:31
Name: jylee My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 26
Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: none

hi i am icq friend i just visited your homepage now,i can understood your situation. it seems so complecated, arrage more tidy please!

08/15/98 18:27:32
Name: Rosemary My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: too old to tell
Do you have any Pets?: Yes If yes what kind?: Five cats


Divination Information and Links
Thanks for letting me visit your site. I hope you'll visit mine, too.

08/07/98 23:43:50
Name: Olga My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 13 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: Yeah
If yes what kind?: cats. dogs, turtle

Nice webpage!Keep up the great work. And please email me when you update your page.Brightest Blessings!!

07/15/98 03:42:44
Name: Grins-with-fangs My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 23 Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: more like a family mooch
If yes what kind?: St Bernard (200 lbs of love and slobber)

Greetings to you Dancer and to you visitors as well. I thank Miss Townsend who's link I followed here. I am Christian but I have found that quite often I share alot of beliefs with wiccans in that my calling as I see it is to protect our natural world an restore it to the glory of creation. This is a visually beautiful page. Makes me want to go redecorate my own:).

07/08/98 23:29:05
Name: Amanda R. My URL: Visit Me
Age: 16 Gender: female
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: 2 dogs (Boxers)

I like your web site. more like I love it.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 06:52:29

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

07/02/98 22:40:53
Name: Silverwind/Adam McLaughlin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: Yes
If yes what kind?: A dog, a cat, and a parrot

Hello! Just noticed someone happened to access my home page through your Esotericism banner and I decided to drop by. You have a wonderful page here :)

06/26/98 10:11:29
Name: Mechelle Thomas My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 29 Gender: Female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: dogs,a cat and a ferret.

It was a pleasure to visit your page.

06/18/98 08:54:57
Name: Amy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: a furball cat

Merry Meet... I love your page!!! Blessed Be!

06/17/98 06:33:52
Name: Peter Conrad My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 51 Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: Cat
If yes what kind?: female black tortiseshell

Nice artwrok! My page (URL above) while being by a pagen (Me!) and giving the Pagen salutation is not about paganism - I'm a webmaster, the modern equivalent of an alchemist I think. My partner is a "minister"(witch) and she has a poetry page on GeoCiti s []

06/13/98 15:08:28
Name: Windrider My Email: Email Me
Age: 32 Gender: male Do you have any Pets?: not at present
If yes what kind?: I love iguanas

Wonderful artwork. Did you do it?

06/08/98 01:51:07
Name: Missy My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes!
If yes what kind?: 2 cats, 1 dog, and 1 iguana!

I'm just learning about the craft and I am seeking others help to find out if it's the right path for me... I'm very interested in the religion... and I'm searching for knowledge on it :) My sister doesn't want me to be a witch because she thinks I'll be evil... how do I tell her that it's not like that??? Peace, Missy

05/31/98 06:10:44
Name: desire
Age: 15 Gender: female
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: 3 dogs and a fish

i loved your page.

05/28/98 01:31:40
Name: DarkPaladin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: two dogs, two cats

Pretty cool page. Just add something about death metal music :-0.

05/16/98 12:41:09
Name: kristin My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 Gender: femayl Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: cat Twinkie, doberman Sheba

kewl page

04/17/98 12:59:06
Name: Iris My Email: Email Me
Age: over 40 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: Yes
If yes what kind?: a spoiled rotten German Shepperd dog.

love your web page. It's excellent. Keep up the good work and Blessed be.

03/31/98 07:31:54
Name: j.b.
Age: 27 Gender: male
Do you have any Pets?: no

nice work cloud dancer. i only use the internet at work. i can be contacted at p.o. box 637 richmond, vt. o5477. blessed be.

03/29/98 20:08:56
Name: Beltane My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 37 on Beltane Gender: male Do you have any Pets?: yup
If yes what kind?: 3 kids (gin)

Merry Meet! Wonderful Page Cloud Dancing!, Keep up the great work. Bel

03/13/98 20:03:22
Name: Kat My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 22
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: a big fat seal point snow shoe cat

Thanks for visiting my site! I like your's a lot...I've only read one Cunningham book so far-Wicca:A Guide for the Solitairy Practioner... Blessed Be...

03/13/98 06:09:03
Name: Morganna Bard My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 45 Gender: Female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: One Love Bird,(Baby) / One Dawf Rabbit, (Thumper) Family of Pigeons living in walls (babie and all :-)

Hello Cloud-Dancer... Thanks for visiting my site, just had to return the favor, and I like everything... So you are also a Scott Cunningham reader... I also have read his books, and have purchased a few of The Truth About Witchcraft, for those who show n interest in my religion... I always say, by the end of the book they will know if it is the religion they want to follow, and I tell them to pass on the book to another who might be interested... I am now in the process of sending a copy out to Sweden. . :-) Well I just wanted to say Hello, and Thanks again... Brightest Blessings... Morganna

03/11/98 16:47:00
Name: Danyel Seagan My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 29
Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: Not yet

Life is the Balance of all senses in all the Realms or Dimensions of this Universe that Link to the Heart of every single Soul or Entity. As a Seer out of season, my quest to Share a Vision has ended when I followed my Heart and my Twin Soul was there.Thi site brings closer all those people that Feel Unusual. By the way, 'Thank You!!!' for signing my guestbook.

03/11/98 12:17:06
Name: Emmeke My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Gender: female
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: a dog and two cats

Merry meet! Thank you for your nice comments in my guestbook =) I've just been browsing through your site and really like what I see. You have some great stuff here. Brightest blessings, Emmeke

03/02/98 19:17:49
Name: Iolair
My Email: Email Me Age: 22
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: 3 dogs(1 is a timber wolf)

I think that your site is awesome, and I can send you some poetry if you would like me too, just email me and I will...

02/27/98 22:04:36
Name: Moonsinger My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: Old soul Gender: Female, today Do you have any Pets?: 17
If yes what kind?: dogs, cats, chickens, ducks

Merry Meet, Cloud Dancer: I've visited your site several times, so thought it was time to sign the book! Please visit my site, I think we have much in common. Bright blessings, Moonsinger

02/27/98 08:41:15
Name: Michael My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 28
Do you have any Pets?: no

Just wanted to stop in and say great site. I just joined the ring also. stop by and let me know what you think peave and love Michael

02/27/98 02:27:58
Name: DySfUnCtIoNaL My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 100 Gender: male Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: dog, fish

cool page, check out the site above, it's amazingly WEIRD but very COOL

02/21/98 06:52:44
Name: Wytche
My URL: Visit Me
Do you have any Pets?: yes, 9

What a lovely site, I have enjoyed my visit here.

01/24/98 05:52:06
Name: Tim Gore My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 37
Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: no

Merry Meet. Although I don't have have pets, my sister has two Yorkies who are the babies of the whole family. You have a most impressive page here Cloud Dancer. Please keep building it :)

01/24/98 02:44:29
Name: Aine My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Gender: Femal
Do you have any Pets?: Yes If yes what kind?: Birds

Beautiful pages... Blessings, Aine

01/23/98 23:05:09
Name: Sheila My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 10, almost 11 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: an 8 year old dog named Bon-Bon

I like your page alot! I got here from Lexa's page. You signed her guestbook, and wrote your URL, so I clicked on it! :) You're doing great! Keep up the good job. --Sheila

01/23/98 20:10:06
Name: Amber My Email: Email Me
Age: 16 in mind body heart and soul,13 in chronological age only Gender: Female Do you have any Pets?: Yes
If yes what kind?: Dogs,cat,insane gerbil,ferrets

I think this page kix! I'm a practicing witch,pagan,and I have my own religion.E mail me for details.A couple friends and myself wish to start a coven.Please e mail me if you have any info on it.My mama and I are into this kind of thing and she is convinc d we are part Gypsy.I love all ppl except for biost ones.:( You can e mail me if you just feel like talking.I'm very mature and have many complexed views so I'm an interesting person.Blessed Be everyone!

01/17/98 18:59:45
Name: Lee My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 36 Gender: Female Do you have any Pets?: Yes
If yes what kind?: 2 dogs, 4 cats, a parakeet and a pair of white doves.

Merry Meet!!! Very nice page. Hopefully mine will turn out this well. Blessed Be, Lee

01/10/98 18:04:26
Name: Lexa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 14 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: two mice

Beautiful page! :)

01/02/98 02:18:58
Name: Betty
My Email: Email Me Age: 36
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: CAT


12/31/97 19:12:41
Name: Sarah My URL: Visit Me
Age: 10 Gender: female
Do you have any Pets?: yes If yes what kind?: a cat and a guinea pig

Neat page, Cloud dancer. Please visit my page and sign the guestbook, thanx :-) CU

12/29/97 20:48:02
Name: Alexandra My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 27 Gender: Female Do you have any Pets?: Yes
If yes what kind?: 2 Cats

Thanks for visiting my page and signing my guestbook. Great Page, it looks beautiful. Keep up the good work. BB & Hugs Alexandra

12/29/97 19:27:49
Name: Paul Selvey My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 39 Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: Yes
If yes what kind?: Cat

Returning the visit to my page, thanks for showing interest. I am new to this Wica stuff and I do not practise it yet. I am just gathering information. See you later. Oh by the way pretty good from what I've seen so far!

12/08/97 15:17:08
Name: sally, the raven My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: eternal Gender: maiden Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: a boxer/lab, a few men i know...;)

lovely page!
farewell... the raven

12/06/97 11:46:08
Name: Bo Påhlsson My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: Must I write it?? Ok, 53 Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: Yes, two cats
If yes what kind?: Look above

Hi. You have an great page here. I relly enjoyed my visit. Keep up the good work. Have a great day and take care. Bosse

12/03/97 05:17:42
Name: Lorin
My Email: Email Me Age: 23
Do you have any Pets?: Yes. If yes what kind?: 2 cats

Excellent site! I couldn't agree more, Wolf. It seems I have found a kindred spirit. I would very much look forward to any new additions to this page.

12/03/97 05:13:40
Name: Lorin
My Email: Email Me Age: 24
Do you have any Pets?: Yes If yes what kind?: 2 cats

Very nice page with some good links. I've been Wiccan now for 8 years and still I have yet to meet more than a few fellow pagans. Please E-mail me.

12/02/97 00:18:18
Name: Raine My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 15 Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: No
If yes what kind?: (none)

I like the page. Thanks for stopping by mine.

12/02/97 00:17:23
Name: Raine My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Age: 15
Gender: Male Do you have any Pets?: No


11/19/97 09:19:21
Name: Ravensteel My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: 3 cats

Scott Cunningham seems to be all over the Wiccan literature. I am not Wiccan, myself, but I have curiosity, and eyes to read. I was hoping I could entice you to visit my site and add some of your perspective to my "Point of Intrigue"

Ravensteel's Journal of the Arts

10/30/97 04:22:07
Name: Wolf My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 18 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: 4 cats (2 Siamese, one black, one black and white), one dog (Shiba-Inu), one wolf

Great page! Very well done!

10/28/97 01:19:51
Name: Ladymyst My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Age: 34 Gender: female Do you have any Pets?: yes
If yes what kind?: dog: chow/eskimo mix


Dedicated to Nature.

A very warm and well done site! Keep it alive!! Nature's friend, Ladymyst
< >