St. Michael's Conference is a group of young people and leaders
who come together to form a community.
Through worship, study, discussion, recreation, and relaxation,
community seeks both a clearer vision of God in Christ,
and strength and power to fight evil and
serve God.
For most, it is such a joyful experience
that they want it to continue, and many do
continue by returning year after year.
Michael is a good patron Saint.
He symbolizes a strong religion, the kind of religion where true joy is to be found.
Visit the website of one of the St. Michael's Youth Conferences:
St. Michael's Youth Conference (Maritime Provinces)
St. Michael's Youth Conference (Ontario)
St. Michael's Youth Conference (Saskatchewan)
St. Michael's Youth Conference (Massachusetts)
St. Michael's Youth Conference (Midwest, US)
Tradition gives to St. Michael four offices:
Ascribed to Archbishiop Rabanus Maurus, 9th Century
Send thy Archangel, Michael, to our succour;
Peacemaker blessed, may he banish from us
Striving and hatred, so that for the peaceful
All things may prosper.
Send thy Archangel, Gabriel, the mighty;
Herald of heaven, may he from us mortals
Spurn the old serpent, watching o'er the temples
Where thou art worshipped.
Send thy Archangel, Raphael, the restorer
Of the misguided ways of men who wander,
Who at thy bidding strengthens soul and body
With thine annointing.
May the blest Mother of our God and Saviour,
May the assembly of the Saints in glory,
May the celestial companies of Angels
Ever assist us.
Father almighty, Son and Holy Spirit,
God ever blessed, be thou our preserver;
Thine is the glory which the Angels worship,
Veiling their faces.
~ Amen ~