Adina Mishkoff - 11/15/00 19:34:16 My URL: My | Comments: Thanks for having our URL and a description of our organization on your site which I've just discovered! I'm currently updating our links and will be putting your wonderful website in our 2G section of the survivors' links page. It'll hopefully be up within a month. If you tell me your name (the name of the person responsible for this site) I'll mention it in the text description. All the best, Adina Mishkoff Internet Manager AMCHA/Jerusalem |
Barbara Seiden - 09/25/00 13:58:23 My | Comments: I'm looking for producers/financing for a film-script with current and future 4th Reich ramifications. Any contact referral is appreciated! |
- 09/02/00 21:52:12 | Comments: |
Martie Lowenstein - 06/25/00 05:26:58 My | Comments: |
- 04/04/00 19:41:44 | Comments: your site sucks donky balls |
Evelyne - 03/31/00 20:45:57 My URL: My | Comments: I am a 2nd.gen.: half German-Jewish, half Chinese. Would like to email with other 2nd.gen. of similar half-Jewish backgrounds. |
paul bradley - 02/11/00 21:36:47 My | Comments: |
- 01/21/00 06:31:18 My | Comments: i'm looking for the second generation group in nyc |
- 01/15/00 02:25:58 | Comments: |
Willie Glaser - 10/24/99 02:06:14 My | Comments: THANK YOU, Willie Glaser,formely Fuerth |
Mirit - 10/10/99 08:13:21 My | Comments: Thanks for your service. I'm just beginning to look at the ramifications in my life. Really glad you're maintaining this web site. |
jade hamilton - 09/13/99 03:17:03 | Comments: your web sight helped me look up infomation on the holocaust and the diary of anne frank thanks heaps. |
- 06/02/99 01:40:26 | Comments: |
Voyaka wannabe - 04/10/99 00:53:11 My URL: My Email:kiss@my.ass | Comments: I'm really happy that there are jewish gays and lesbians. ![]() |
Helen J. Lee - 01/17/99 03:54:42 My | Comments: I would like to know if there are other second and third generation children and grandchildren of holocaust survivors who are meeting (or want to meet) in the Orange County, CA area. My boyfriend's father is a survivor from Poland. I would be eternally rateful to anyone who will contact me with more information. Thank you in advance!! Love & prayers, Helen :) |
- 01/02/99 17:49:15 | Comments: |
carolyn - 12/06/98 05:45:54 My | Comments: its great to see this site. i've been looking for a group based in nyc for a long time. unfortunately the link didn't get me to the site. any information? |
Andrea Williams - 11/30/98 16:13:39 | Comments: nice page |
Alexis - 11/28/98 14:37:26 | Comments: This website was very helpful and will continue to be helpful to many students that have reports to do. Very informative. thanks! |
Alexis - 11/28/98 14:31:48 | Comments: This website was very helpful and will continue to be helpful to many students that have reports to do. Very informative. thanks! |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
dina - 10/01/98 16:16:01 My | Comments: Why are there no links to CHILD SURVIVORS. This is a very active and REAL group whose lives were also forever tarnished by the holocaust. THere are numerous Child Survivor and Hidden Children groups internationally - please look into this as otherwise you are exempting a large Holocaust impacted group. Thank you |
- 08/29/98 04:36:42 | Comments: This web page is very helpful for students like myself who have an assginment on children of the survivors of the holocaust. Thanks! |
Cindy - 08/27/98 13:46:32 My URL: My comment: Nice page... cum see the free sex at the url above!! | Comments: |
Klinger - 08/21/98 18:16:18 My | Comments: We are a UK based second generation charity. Please email us for further information. |
steve reisman - 07/06/98 02:14:38 My | Comments: 'Stopped-in looking for a 12-Step program for children of survivors. Alas, I found nothing. If you know something of this, please email me at Thanks -- Steve R. (eldest of three children born here to parents who are survivors of the concentration camps) |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Joey - 06/03/98 21:09:09 | Comments: I have read many books about the Holoucast and I feel very sorry for everyone that was in it. I'm sure God never meant for it to be that way, but it was. |
Lisa - 05/29/98 20:49:58 My URL: My | Comments: I am looking for a second generation support group to attend in Broward County, Florida. Please write if you know of any. Thanks- Lisa |
Peter Reid - 05/20/98 10:30:43 My Email:fall@alphalink.comau | Comments: Perhaps I am seeking the impossible. We are doing research into the children of the concentration camps. Does anyone have any information? We would be most grateful |
lindsay - 05/19/98 03:42:25 My Email:jar 53534 | Comments: i am really intrested in the holocaust and i was wondering if you could send me any information that you have on the holocaust. Here's my address.. Lindsay Kleimenhagen 10340 U.S. Highway 51 Edgerton, Wi 53534 And again thanks alot for everything you have done for everybody and you have been a great impact on everybodys life!! |
- 05/13/98 22:02:40 |
Brian - 05/09/98 03:00:33 My | Comments: May I have any Information on the Holacaust that would be good to know. Thank You |
Neil Rosenthal - 05/07/98 00:07:38 My URL: My | Comments: Hello, I am also a child of Survivors. Please visit my homepage to read my Holocaust poetry and to visit my links to other Holocaust sites on the Web. This page is a very useful one. |
me - 05/06/98 16:36:14 | Comments: there is not enough information on your web page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
me - 05/06/98 16:34:20 | Comments: there is not enough information on your web page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
KT Martucci - 05/06/98 14:39:46 | Comments: |
- 05/05/98 14:00:17 | Comments: |
Blair - 04/30/98 18:11:58 My | Comments: Totally Cool Page! I am doing a report on Holocaust for English all about the children in it and the survivors. You could help me out alot if u could send me any info you know!!!! Thanks alot! |
mike winn (Winokur) - 04/30/98 00:53:05 My | Comments: Hi, my father is a survivor of Auschwitz and several other camps. I am hoping to meet and speak with other children of survivors. Thanks so much for your hard work and dedication. |
Lauren Boyle - 04/29/98 19:35:42 My | Comments: This website is very information filled and was very helpful to my report on the Holocaust: Women and Children. Thanx Lauren Boyle |
Lauren Boyle - 04/29/98 19:35:33 My | Comments: This website is very information filled and was very helpful to my report on the Holocaust: Women and Children. Thanx Lauren Boyle |
Lauren Boyle - 04/29/98 19:35:23 My | Comments: This website is very information filled and was very helpful to my report on the Holocaust: Women and Children. Thanx Lauren Boyle |
Lauren Boyle - 04/29/98 19:35:14 My | Comments: This website is very information filled and was very helpful to my report on the Holocaust: Women and Children. Thanx Lauren Boyle |
"Teacher" - 04/19/98 18:30:22 My URL:/Paris/Cafe/1208 My | Comments: Thank you for providing an informative site about the Holocaust. If you, or any Guests who read this message, would like to share real-life stories about how the Holocaust has affected you and your families, *please* e-mail me and my students. We would reatly appreciate hearing about your experiences. It is through your knowledge that we can continue to learn and remember. |
Marc Warren - 04/13/98 02:46:30 My Email:mlbjwarren | Comments: |
LisaSharf - 04/05/98 19:21:43 My | Comments: I am a second generation survivor of a child survivor of Auschwitz. I have had several years of deep depression and post traumatic stress disorder. I am 43, and think that going to the holocaust museum in Washington D.C. together with a group facilitator or therapist could be quite healing. Please e-mail me if you think its a good way to heal from post abuse and holocaust issues. |
kim - 03/26/98 15:06:17 | Comments: I feel bad to all the jewish people died in Germany and I glad it doesn't happen right now. Peace out to everybody. |
kim - 03/26/98 15:05:03 My Email:iforgot | Comments: I feel bad to all the jewish people died in Germany and I glad it doesn't happen right now. Peace out to everybody. |
- 03/25/98 21:16:19 | Comments: STING |
huyh - 03/25/98 16:42:09 | Comments: i just feeel bad |
Thomas M. Donohue, Jr - 03/02/98 14:09:17 My URL:http://www/ My | Comments: I'm glad to see that the Holocaust has not been forgotten. I am 19 year old Catholic teen that is President of a Holocaust program called Teens Cry Too! It has been running for 4 years now and is focused on the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. t is a 30 min. program that is presented to organizations in and around Williamsport Pennsylvania. The program allows the audience to be involved with the program by giving everyone an identification card and the audience will update their lives as I tra el through out the Holocaust museum. For more information contact me at Thanks for keeping this alive!! |
michelle bryan - 02/18/98 15:04:12 My Email:I forgot | Comments: |
- 01/02/98 05:56:14 | Comments: I created this website because there seems to be no other comprehensive website. Unfortunately, the group that I thought should have a site, doesn't maintain one. If you know of any other groups out there, please list them here and how someone can get i touch with them. |