Bible Quiz Of The Month Of May #2

Bible Quiz From The Gospel according to Saint Mark

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The daily readings of the new testment:

Read the Bible daily; and answer the following questions, the dead line for the answers to be send is Sunday 2nd of May, and the prizes will be given on Sunday the 9th of May.

For Arabic Click here

Chapter 1: Summarize the conversation bet. Jesus & the leper?

Chapter 2: Complete: "So Jesus said to them, those days".

Chapter 3: A. Write the names of the disciples?

               B. Who are the brothers, the sisters, and the mother of Jesus?

Chapter 4: How can you proof from this chapter that Jesus has authority over the nature?

Chapter 5: Name three (3) Miracles from this chapter?

Chapter 6: Complete: "And when they came out of the boat................touched him were made well".

Chapter 7: What does "..........that whatever enters a man from outside can't defile him ......." means?

Chapter 8: Explain what verses 34-36 means?

Chapter 9: Complete: "And if your hands makes you sin, .........never be quenched".

Chapter 10: Why is it easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the                   kingdom of God?

Chapter 11: Why must we forgive other men their trespasses?

Chapter 12: Why did Jesus praise the poor widow?

Chapter 13: How can we spiritually be prepared for the second caoming of Christ?

Chapter 14: A. Why did peter weep?

                B. How do we -sometimes- deny Jesus?

Chapter 15: A. In which hour was Jesus crusified?

                 B. What was the written accusation of Jesus?

                 C. Explain what happened in the Sixth hour?

Chapter 16: How many times did Jesus appear in this chapter & to whom?


Arabic Readers

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You can send the answers via E-mail or to the church Address

Good Luck.