Dear Brother & Sister; It is the pleasure of the Youth meeting group at St.
George Coptic Church, to introduce to you its new CD-ROM, Fr. Bishoy Kamel
the Cross Carrier. It is a great CD-ROM contains most of our beloved father sermons, it is a great asset to the Coptic library in any church as well as in any Christian home, for Fr. Bishoy's sermons are for every one the Teen as well as the mature adult. The cost of the CD-ROM to the Church bookstore is $5 includes the shipping and handling; you can sell it for $12. If you feel that this precious CD-ROM would be a great addition to your Church bookstore, and you would like to order it, please send a check payable to St. George Coptic Church "Fr. Bishoy Kamel CD-ROM project", and send it to 13 Stegman Place, Jersey City, NJ 07305. If you have any questions regarding your order or the CD please contact Samy Nan at St. George Church Book Store @ (917) 453-7766. Thanks for helping the youth group in their work, may the Lord our God bless every one had but an effort in the production of this CD-ROM, and please pray for the next CD project. |