Coptic Orthodox Patriarchate ©2001  
St. George Coptic Orthodox Church Astoria, NY

God Our Lord Gives Us Success and we his servent, Arise and build .. Neh 2:20

                              The Last week of the Holy Lent "The Holy week" 

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Fr. Bishoy Kamel CD-ROM 

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Bible Study Tools
Bible Quiz Of Month

     Church Address   
38-25 31st. Street
Astoria, NY 11101

Fr. Rewis magar
Webmaster: Emad Aziz

Tel: 718-784-8279
Fax: 718-786-7540


The Great Martyr St. George

Today's Date:

One who rides on the Cherubim, Who once took up Elias in a fiery chariot. He who is rich by nature making himself poor by design, and weak by intention.

Friday, 4/6 marks the end of the Great Fast and the beginning of the Holy Pascha Week.  On that day, the Church officiates the mystery of the Unction of the Sick.  The Services will begin at 11 A.M., and conclude at 3:30 PM.  More information about all the services of Holy Pascha Week will be coming soon.
For the Lent Summary "Drawing closer to Christ"
Check the new CD-ROM of Fr. Bishoy kamel in the Church book store.
New additions to the web site: 

1. Bible Study & tools.

2. Stories with meanings.

3. Youth Group new curriculum.

4. Subjects for the new East coast spiritual competition.

pcross1a.gif (1843 bytes)Church Servant: Beloved Fr. Rewis Magar

pcross1a.gif (1843 bytes)Church Email Address: 

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