An article by David Icke:
* The Great AIDS Con Trick
A Nexus Magazine article:
* The Yin & Yang of HIV
A new book by Dr. Phillip S. Duke:
The AIDS-ET Connection
A Sightings Online Article:
Is HIV a manmade virus,
designed to KILL blacks & gays???
A.I.D.S. *WAS* manmade!!!
--- The men who blew the whistle...
DoD's 1969 request:
To build an "HIV-like" viral *weapon*!
Prof.,Dr. Peter H. Duesberg's official research website:
AIDS not caused by HIV -- but caused by recreational and anti-HIV drugs
The AIDS Criticism Resource Guide
Practical Freedom:
Rethinking AIDS & the HIV Hypothesis
AIDS Bibliography
-- by Fred Cline
An Article by Dr. James DeMeo:
HIV is not the Cause of AIDS: a summary of current research findings