* April 8th : * "Repairs" underway as of today
* April 27th: * Check out the progress so far!
* :
* ImportantNEW INFO: Please read!!!
* August 18th : This page revised & new links added other pages.
* August the 24th : New page added to our site! :
* October the 13th : Important new link -- please read:
* April 8th, 2003: Sorry for the abscence, I had a Spiritual process I had to go through, but here I am, back from the dead! I have one new link for you, and more to come . I am very busy writing at the moment, so please be patient. Read: By the Way, I have changed my name to Shaw Chieron.
NOTES: 1) FEMA( Federal Emergency Management Agency) is now under federal control of the NDPO( National Domestic Preparedness Office) --- The US's new Gov't???
Please, take a look at:
email : tolmen@hotmail.com
Toltech International Research
Fantastic LINKS: My main links page
Go to: MAIN Menu
* April 7th :
SOMEONE ( CIA, NSA, DARPA, FEMA1, the ET's, A certain black magician):NOTE:see below --- take your pick!) deleted my homepage( I wonder why?).
* May 25th: * Corrections added to Omega level
* Links are ¤ continually ¤ modified...
* Still working on it all, when there's time, that is!
* June 16th : * Densities of Consciousness added
*** Our Gay Links Page (in English) updated and revised
* June 22nd : * Notes added this page; new links added; Gay Links Page amended.
The Great HIV/AIDS Lie:Research Links pertaining to the incredible invention of a 'non-disease'.
Plus, Gay links updated( again!).
The Millennium Black Magick Rituals by David Icke
and also refer to the Vital Info from May of this year.
The Garnet Vine
as well as:
"The Biggest Secret": Chapter 5 excerpt