In the Name of the I AM THAT
For the sealing of the United
States of America and all nations from all terrorism and for all other plots or
attacks to be immediately exposed and stopped in their tracks…
For the safety of every
citizen in this nation and its allies…
For a dome of protection over
the entire nation, especially Washington D.C. and New York…
For the peace commanding presence of the Elohim of Peace to calm the citizens, to help them think and act from the heart in accordance with God’s will, encircling all reactions that might worsen the situation…
For the binding, judgment and
containment of the forces of death and hell behind the terrorist attacks and
those responsible for the hijackings and attacks…
In the name Jesus Christ
we summon the forces of heaven, present amongst us, to apprehend those who
caused the strike against this nation.
Hosts of the Lord, bind the anger and hatred, fanaticism, and racism
behind these attacks.
For the binding of all plots
to use this situation to create anarchy, instability or war through terrorist
We call for the binding of
extremist fanatical groups who are out to destroy our country or create cause
for war. Roll back all contemplated terrorist actions directed against the
United States of America, her government, her people, and her allies. We call for the combined Causal Bodies of
all beings of Light to bind the forces of terrorism and those who would destroy
America, the free world, or individual citizens for any reason.
For the protection of the
United States leadership and for their God-direction in their response to these
terrorist attacks…
For the protecting and
overshadowing by the heavenly host of those working in the emergency services
responding to the situation…
For the souls who have made
their transition to be ministered to by angels and to be taken to the etheric
octave for comforting and for their next steps on the path…For the dissolving
of the astral ka’s (any residual downward and negative emotional energies) of
all souls who have passed out of embodiment through this trauma, and for the
comforting of their families and loved ones…
For the
binding of all negative-entities that would feed on the light and blood
released through the deaths and wounds that have been sustained at every level
of being…
We call for the binding of negative forces, the fallen
ones, fallen angels of all kinds, from all centuries and ages past, who are yet
in the astral plane and who finally have found a way to manifest on the earth
to torment the people of God.
For the protection, purity,
screening and health of the nation’s blood supply…
For the encircling of any and
all attempts to introduce nuclear, biological, germ or chemical warfare…
For the mitigation and
perfected God out-picturing of the current astrology or any prophecy that would
exacerbate the situation…
In the name Jesus Christ, we call for the judgment of
the cause and core of terrorism and the evil ones who are behind it. Bind the fallen angels and demons in
embodiment who are out to destroy the lightbearers. We call for the protection of America and its citizens.
We call for the reinforcement of all good people in the
earth who do not have recourse to a path of the sacred fire and have not
understood the teachings of the sacred fire, but who have fervor in their
hearts and love for the living Word and who do good as they understand it.
And we call for the unified
stand and action of the Light-bearers of the world with the universal spirit
and presence of our ascended bothers and sisters of Light!
We accept this done right now
in the full power, wisdom, and love of the I AM THAT I AM – All-Present,
All-Knowing, and All-Powerful, Amen!