faries in magick.

Faries are very usefull in magickal practices. They may lend energy to spells, they may be used as relayers of messages to the gods, they may act as allies on astrall journeys. They may also give you the gift of blessing your spell, blessing your tools, blessing your circle or even blessing you.

To use faries in spells, primarilly it is wise to invite them to the edge of your circle upon commencing of the spell. Simply, after having casted your circle you set it aside, from this world, into a "time that is not a time, and a place that is not a place" everyone has their own preffered words. Then you usually may summon the power of the directions. I usually go around the circle with three summoning, each done seperatly. First I call the power of the directions (all 9 of them, see my essay on the 9 quarters theory), then the elements that these directions represent. Finaly I call the powers of the faries of that direction. In this way I make three trips around my circle, each one with a different summoning. When you summon something to the edge of your circle you may usually feel the powers that are comming. With faries too you may feel them, you may see them, you may even smell. Not always do they come though. Remember, you are to invite them, not command them, then they almost definatly will not come.

when you have the faries at the side of your circle do not treat them as elements, or directions. They are living things just like you. They must be talked too. remember they love playfullness, be merry with them. They may raise energy for you cone by dancing and singing. They love to do this. You may help them on by drumming. Remember though, they are affraid of bells, forgo bells should you wish to use faries.

If you feel that you have made a pretty good connection with the fariest then you may ask them to bless your spell. you may hear them giving their blessings. This is hard, since they must be in complete accord with the spell you are raising.
Do not forget to give out the remainder of your wine, or cake etc, to the faries outside you circle, this is almost a must.

after you are done with the spell remember to release the energy that you have summoned, first the cone goes, then you may releas the faries, elemsts, and directions, finnaly the circle itself.


Faries may bless a lot of things to help empower your spell. If you are in good terms with your local faries then by all means invite them before you spell to bless your rituall tools. They may do this by touching them, chanting, or simply staring at them. Whatever they do, do not doubt that they have given you all the blelssing they care to give. If you are not in good terms then you may wish to do this on the astrall plane. One should usually be a shaman for this, or have been well aquanted with my page on astrall projection.
once at the circle you may askj them to bless the circle. Be carefull though, they may not bless the spell later if you do this.

If you are creating a creature, as I have mentioned on my astrall projection page, then Faries may help lend you energy and bless this creature.

Remember though, a faries blessing is a tremendous gift and you must repay them, it wil lbe up to you to ind your personal ay of helping out your local faries. Just the fact that you may give them your cermonial leftovers may not be enough.

If you have anything on farie magick that you think I may add onto this page then please drop me a line. sir_bienkowski@geocities.com

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